Camp Rancho Alegre/Outdoor School
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Outdoor School and Rancho Alegre was a victum of the recent Whitter Fire near Cachuma Lake. This illustrates the damage that leveled nearly all the buildings in the Camp. Our Los Padres Council, Boy Scouts of America has authorized this GoFundMe campaign to help start our rebuilding efforts, Our Camp and Outdoor School has over 10,000 students, Boy Scouts, and visitors each year learning about our fragile enviornment and eco-systems.
Like the Phoenix the Outdoor School and Rancho Alegre will rebuild from the ashes with the community's support and contributions. Please donate today and challenge your friends to also help with this special endeavor.
Thank you.
Like the Phoenix the Outdoor School and Rancho Alegre will rebuild from the ashes with the community's support and contributions. Please donate today and challenge your friends to also help with this special endeavor.
Thank you.
David Brown
Santa Ynez, CA
Los Padres Council, Boy Scouts of America