Help us save Pacifica's Ocean Shore Railroad Car
Tax deductible
The Pacifica Historical Society needs your support to finally complete the renovation of the only remaining 1909 Ocean Shore Railroad passenger car 1409.
Our completed antique railcar (c.1909) will help present the story of the importance of the Ocean Shore Railroad in the development of the coast, south of San Francisco to Santa Cruz.
This renovation will be a historical treasure for the citizens of Pacifica, the Coastside and rail fans everywhere to enjoy! Your donations will help The Pacifica Historical Society to save a vital part of Coastside Railroad History.
As of August 2023, the next phase of the project to be funded will be to complete the car's exterior and build a Salada Station replica to house and protect our car 1409. It will also include permit fees, security, insurance and a final move to the front of the lot at Francisco and Salada, where at long last it will finally become Pacifica's museum for the Ocean Shore Railroad.
As a non-profit, we have been hosting fundraising events for nearly 20 years and this is our first direct appeal for funds via GoFundMe.
To learn more about the Ocean Shore Railroad be sure to visit:
Help us make this dream for our community a reality!
Thank you.
Pacifica Historical Society
PO Box 752
Pacifica, CA 94044
501c3 #943117665
Pacifica Coastside Museum
1850 Francisco Blvd
Pacifica, CA 94044
open Thursdays + Saturdays 1 pm - 4 pm
Pacifica Historical Society
Pacifica, CA
Pacifica Historical Society