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Pandemic Crisis - Single Mothers in South Africa

Donación protegida
South African single mothers and domestic workers need your help – a Campaign to raise funds for women most severely at risk in the COVID19 Crisis!

 The world is in the fierce grip of an invisible virus that is creating devastating unemployment, economic distress and emotional turmoil.   We all need to choose our mission – find one avenue to make an impact by protecting those on the front lines and supporting the larger health and wellbeing of our shared global community .

Support for Care/Domestic Workers in Crisis
Our mission is to help single mothers who are domestic workers in South Africa.   It’s also the mission of Myrtle Witbooi and the South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers Union (SADSAWU)( .   Single mothers who are domestic workers are at the frontline of the COVID19 impacts. Many are the sole breadwinner and parent in their households.  Many are employed by people who can no longer pay them.  And individually, their protections are minimal.  Domestic workers in South Africa expressed a critical life-sustaining need for financial assistance, to put food on the table, buy the necessary sanitizers and stay at home, away from others wherever possible.   Your support will help them do that and make a tangible impact on reducing the spread of this pandemic!

Our first GoFundMe campaign helped 8 affected women and their households meet this need. In the second campaign, we want to support as many women as possible with sustainable financial resources over the next three months.   An  expeditious way to do this is to enable SADSAWU to receive the funds raised and distribute those funds within their network of 6000 members.  SADSAWU will use the established criteria of single mothers experiencing loss of income because of COVID19. 

 “As a domestic worker and single mother with 3 dependents I’m very thankful for everyone that donated, because of you I still have a roof over my head as I was able to pay my landlord.  I was able to buy our groceries and put food on the table for my family… and my daughter’s sanitary needs will be covered.” Thuli – recipient of inaugural campaign

 Resource Distribution
To distribute funds, we will establish a multi-stakeholder committee to review intended beneficiaries to ensure appropriate and sustainable payment processes.   SADSAWU will receive 10% of this funding as an administration fee, and a standard e-wire fee will be deducted to transfer funds from the US to South Africa.  Apart from that, all funds raised will be paid into the hands of single mothers.  A full accounting will be available once the campaign has run and payments have been made.

 “Me and my children are so grateful as now we won’t have to worry about what we are going to put on the table in this hard time and my home will be warm we now can stay at home just worrying about keeping safe from COVID19. Thank you so much.” Gloria – recipient of inaugural campaign

Ubuntu is the African tradition says that people can only be truly human if they acknowledge the humanity of others: “I am because you are.” Let’s keep the spirit of Ubuntu alive.  We can all play a part in healing the world from the impacts of the virus.  Let’s touch the hearts of people that need our kindness and support.


  • Bette Dickerson
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Ashley Maddox
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Julie Butler
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Carter Roberts
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Melissa Kelley
    • $60
    • 4 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Gina Barbieri
Washington D.C., DC
Jennifer Fish
Team member

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