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Pathways fund

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My name is Valerie Brooke Campbell. I recently started going by my middle name because my dad who recently passed away gave me this name, and that is what he always called me- his Brooky or his Angel. Now he is my Angel! My whole life I have wanted to touch people with my music and with my actions. I have not led a blameless life by any means, but I hope to be a strong example of God's love. There is a program called Pathways that my sister recently graduated from. I have seen the drastic change in her life and I want that too! Her confidence in herself and others is amazing. Her ability to follow through is what I need and want. Her love for life lights up her face like I never knew it could. Lies would tell me that I don't deserve to go to Pathways and that I don't deserve a chance at living. Well guess what Satan is a liar and I am fighting this good fight with all I have in me! I want anyone who donates (or who supports me with their love!) to know how blessed I am to be alive and how serious I am about changing and turning my life around- for good people! I am tickled pink at the hope that still lives in me! I am most eager now more than I have ever been in my entire life, and anyone who knows a bit about my family and I know that there have been many bumps in the road... gigantic pain in the butt-bumps! I am a warrior though, and a daughter of the King of Kings! The things that have happened to me and the things I have brought upon myself and my family are only ultimately going to make me a stronger person, and I will use the strength to plant hope into other people's lives. How amazing is that? I do need help though, so I humbly and kindly ask for help to pay the cost of the Pathways tuition. Thank you dearly and I won't let anyone down. Love all of you! :)
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  • Anonyme
    • $40
    • 10 yrs
Je contribue


Sarah Fuller
Abilene, TX

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