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Paviani Family Hurricane Help

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My name is Natalie and I live in Texas but my entire  family lives and works on St. Maarten Island in the Caribbean. They were hit directly by the category 5 Hurricane Irma. The eye of the storm passed over the island and winds up to 220 mph plus ravaged the island and destroyed everything in its wake. My family is safe and survived this catastrophe but are now left with nothing. The entire island had been destroyed. It was as if bombs had gone off decimating everything in sight. Their homes, cars, and businesses are ruined.

St. Maarten is a small island and currently without water, power, communication and means of transportation, leaving them stranded. The relief process is challenging and will take a very long time. The airport is completely gone and leaving my parents not able to return and my uncle’s family stranded. Obviously, life is worth more than all the money in the world, but being the daughter, niece, cousin, and granddaughter to this remarkable family, I want to plead for the help of family, friends, guests and others to help them and rebuild. It will be a costly expense to recover from all that was lost, their lives could be uprooted and their business and livelihood will suffer for a very long time.

Please Help!



  • Scott and Nancy Wynant
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Natalie Eickhoff
Mansfield, TX

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