Please Help Tim Senske Beat COVID
Donation protected

I will start from December 31st, 2020 for those that are just tuning in. Tim hadn't been feeling well since the beginning of the week. His blood pressure was up at 189/127 and a resting heart rate of 130. His mom (Roberta) and sister (Julie )went and picked him up to take him to the hospital. He was admitted after he tested positive for COVID. His blood pressure was still very high , he had a fever of 103.7 and he was having trouble breathing. Further testing was showing viral pneumonia as well as a infection in his blood was detected. The infection in his blood was found to be bacterial pneumonia. So not only COVID, Tim has two more severe infections he needed to fight. As the days went on, his fever would go down then spike, as well his oxygen levels. He was still able to communicate with friends and family via text and phone. The hardest part was that he was alone. Because of COVID we can not visit him. I know so many people were reaching out and checking on him, and I know he appreciates it so very much. Things changed early Wednesday morning, January 6. Tim's oxygen levels severely dropped. The amazing staff at Kaiser were able to get the levels back. They had a conversation with Tim that if that were happen again, they were going to have to put him on a ventilator. A couple of hours later it happen again. Tim's fever spiked to 105. And the oxygen levels were dangerously low. Tim was intubated. For the sake of the healing process, the doctor put Tim into a medically induced coma. He also has a drug that partial paralyzes him so he doesn't try to fight the ventilator with breathing. As the days have gone by , there have been ups and downs with his fever and oxygen. They have him mostly in the proned position(on his stomach) to help take pressure off of his chest and lungs. He does do better in this position. Today we have some more news that is a step back. Tim's kidneys are having a hard time. The doctors call it Acute Kidney Injury. Which basically meaning Tim is having kidney failure. The doctor is hopeful this is only temporary as Tim has never had kidney issues prior to COVID. They started him on dialysis today to help his kidneys. He has 16 pounds of fluid that he needs to get rid of. His first 5 hours and 45 min out of a 10 hour session he has extracted 4.5 pounds. His goals for this session is 5 pounds. It looks like he will meet this goal. Slow and Steady. The fever that he has had since he has been in, now has been gone for 24 hours. We don't get to visit but we do get to Zoom in and talk to him. We know he can't answer right now, but we know he can hear us. Rest Tim, heal, and get back to us. We miss you.
I will also say this. Tim is fighting for his life. COVID and everything that comes with it is very real. We are still trying to wrap our minds around this and trying to believe this is actually happen to such a good person like Tim .The doctors say he has age on his side. We say he also is strong and stubborn. Tim is a fighter and has so much to fight and live for. Some will ask why I am only posting happy pictures of Tim and his family. If I have to "shock" you with a photo of Tim on a ventilator, in a coma and fighting with every fiber of his being to come back to us then you should have stopped reading a long time ago. I am showing that he has a beautiful life and so much more to do here. His 16 year old daughter Summer, is most important in his heart. We want him at her high school graduation as well as college graduation. We want him walking her down the aisle someday (not until you are at least 30 Summer! )His mom, sisters, aunts, father and friends that know him and know what a great person he is, will know why they are donating to help him. As we all know being in the hospital and in a medically induced coma will come with a price. We are asking for help with the medical costs as we know they will be high.
Again, thank you so very much for all of your support. Please know that you are helping a great father, son, brother, uncle and friend.
Amy Stewart Senske
Salem, OR