Paige's Plea: Save Baby Ivy
Donation protected
My names Paige and this is my cat ivy I think she and has an umbilical hernia on her stomach I’m not sure I haven’t got her to the vet yet I’m taking her as soon a so can it’s very big for her size it’s as big as a base ball it’s not good for her at all , she still loves to play around and she’s a very happy cat I found her when she was about a few weeks old on the side of the street with a dog cage and bag of cat food and she was in a hole in a tree all snuggled up I had to have her and I noticed she had a that on her stomach and she had a few ticks I cleaned her up well and took care of her she a year old now. she’s allergic to fleas so I have her in a cone to not bite her self at the moment she has scabs everywhere I’m afraid she doesn’t have a while to stay around, and that would brake my heart. I’ve been wanting to start a fundraiser for her for a while. I would very much appreciate all of you if you could possibly donate and save ivy.


Paige Stokes
Akron, OH