Justice for Ponzu (and Mango and Tofu)
About Me and Ponzu
My name is Chanan, also known as Chef Bao Bao. On April 4th my family and I became victims of an assault, in result of which our beloved pet, Ponzu, died.
Ponzu, the 3 year old, British Shorthair was a very special, one of the kind cat. He was gentle, kind, loving, caring, and playful. He was curious and loved being outdoors. He was well travelled. And he’s been universally loved around the globe together with his “siblings”: Mango (Sun Conure parrot), Tofu (Shiba Inu dog), and Kimchi (Tubby cat). https://www.instagram.com/ponzucoolcat/
On Easter Sunday, Apr 4th, around 5pm, our family walked back from a park when we became victims of an assault. A 12-year-old boy suddenly ran into Ponzu causing shock and injuries leading to Ponzu’s death. The boy nor his family not only did not offer any apology or remorse. They immediately began shouting slurs at us and blaming us (!). The verbal abuse escalated into a physical assault. One guy punched Mango (!) and terrified Tofu pulling my dog by the tail. I got punched and kicked by 3 women. And my boyfriend got sucker punched from behind by the same cowardly guy. My boyfriend suffered a broken nose and glasses and required a surgery next day. The emotional stress and a heartache from losing our beloved cat and watching his last moments is tormenting us to this day. Our pets are traumatized too.
We love our neighborhood and we never expected to become victims of such an assault in a broad daylight on Easter Sunday. It is not ok to be attacked without reason. It is not ok to see your pets being hurt by cruel people with no empathy to animals. It is not ok to feel unsafe in your own neighborhood. It is not ok to be unable to seek proper enforcement of law for individuals harming your pets because of the antiquated law which treats pets as “property” and depriving them of the proper rights.
Your Help
By donating to this fund, you will help us in pursuing justice and in the legal fight that is ahead of us. You will help us keep the attackers with no empathy to animals nor humans accountable. You will help us seek reforms to existing laws, such as giving additional legal rights to pet/animal owners. Any spare funds will be used for pet/animal related charities (we support 30 or more organizations).
Thank you for your donation! We are extremely grateful!