Lets support Princeton Microgreen grower
My name is Lisa Welsh and I am the Co-owner of Vitality Farms Company in Florida, as well as the director for the International Microgreen Growers Association - Florida chapter. I am starting this fund to help a fellow microgreen grower who has been struggling with some serious health situations.
Pete Corrigan is a microgreen grower in Princeton NJ, that I stumbled upon a while back and while I don't usually watch YouTube videos on growing microgreens, he had a video on branding and I was hooked. Pete has a unique way of working in his business and in my opinion, does a great job of staying consistent. Pete is warm hearted and has a desire to help everyone he meets. I had been in meetings with Pete about joining the IMGA and running the New Jersey chapter, he immediately agreed. Earlier this week I saw a message from Pete stating that he was selling his farm for $5,000.00. I was shocked and knew I had to reach out to Pete because I knew there was more to the story. So here is Pete's story:
Pete Corrigan is a veteran of the US Air-force and he served our country for more than 6 years. After his brave years of service he used the GI Bill to earn a BS in computer science, where he then worked hard to become the CIO for over 30 clients learning the ins and outs of their business. Unfortunately life never wraps up perfectly in a bow and it's what happened in 2018 that has brought us here today. In 2018 Pete had severe hearing loss in his left ear and the left side of his face was having a numbing sensation. Per the usual back and forth to the doctors he saw a neurologist who ordered an MRI and that is when the tumor was discovered.
Pete has a rare tumor that grows out from his ear canal, and into his head. This type of tumor only occurs in about 2,000 people per year. The tumor is large and it is near his brain stem, in 2018 Pete had surgery to remove a portion of the tumor. In this process Pete lost his hearing, and had to relearn how to walk. The medical professionals tried gamma knife radiation on Pete to try and avoid more surgeries, but were unsuccessful. Pete has worked hard to build Princeton microgreens something he got into after the first surgery, He has provided some of the most valuable content to our community, some of which I have yet to see covered by others. Now as they face decisions as a family, we want them to know that they have the support of the community. None of us ever know what tomorrow brings and while we don't have the power to solve all the worlds problems we can provide a little relief to people throughout our life.
If you support local agriculture, if you support farmers, if you support the equality his food-growing education is providing, please support him here, now. And please, share this post to your page and give Princeton Microgreens a like so he knows we have his back!
Together we are all on a journey called life. We are a little broken and a little shattered inside. Each one of us is aspiring to make it to the end. None is deprived of pain here and we have all suffered in our own ways. I think our journey is all about healing ourselves and healing each other in our own special ways. Let’s just help each other put all those pieces back together and make it to the end more beautifully. Let us help each other survive.
~ Ram Dass
Organizer and beneficiary