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Rachel's Road to Recovery

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Two weeks ago my daughter was diagnosed with a Glioma in the right frontal lobe of her brain.  As scary as that is to her and to her family and friends, she has managed to take this situation on with a positive attitude and is taking all the steps towards being healthy the best that she can.   She is scheduled for surgery to remove the Glioma on March 5th. She will then need 4-6 weeks recovery from this surgery. 
Her recovery is the main reason for this fund.  Rachel does not qualify for FMLA having been at her job for less than a year. This means she will not be paid throughout her recovery and there is no guarantee for her job.  We want Rachel to be able to put her energy towards getting back on her feet and being the wonderfully active and social person we all know and love!  The last thing she needs to be worried about it money.  The money she receives from this fund will go towards things like her rent, bills, and medical expenses and other necessities in life like food, transportation, etc. 
Anything you can do counts and helps and is truly appreciated.  We know so many people care about and love Rachel. Prayers and good thoughts are great help!
Thank you,
Michele, Missy, Mom


  • Madison Moore
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Michele Perlman
Mundelein, IL

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