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Urgently Restore Ebenhaezer School - Zimbabwe

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My name Is Veronika Chagonda-Reid and I live in England with my husband and two children. I was born and raised in rural Zimbabwe in the Rasa village (Masvingo province) where I went to Ebeneazer local primary school until the age of 11.

On February 13th 2019, a violent storm hit the school during lesson time which caused the following devasting damage to building and injury to students:

·       Seven Children were injured and some needed hospital treatment

·       Roofs were blown off two classroom blocks, and some of teacher’s accommodation was completely destroyed

·       Irreparable water damage to the children’s books, furniture and personal belongings of the teachers

The horrifying result is that children have nowhere to learn and the teachers have no homes. They are relying solely on the generosity of residents to provide limited teaching resources.
Ebeneazer school provides valuable education for all the local children in the community. The current average journey to school is two kilometres by foot, and it will increase to at least five to ten kilometres for a single journey if facilities are not restored.

I am fully aware of this journey having been educated there myself. We used to go and work in the fields first thing in the morning, before walking to school for eight am.

It has been a pillar of the community ever since it was built, and my late grandfather is a co-founder of the school. With its limited resources it has produced countless graduates who have excelled in their chosen professions. It gives me great pride that a girl from this local school who used to cry all the way to school, as she could not keep up with the other older kids, is now able to help others.

It is my turn with your help to give back to these children. Every child deserves to succeed in life, they just need resources and opportunity.

Funds Needed For Rebuild/Repair
The link below is a letter from the Head Master of the school which details the damage caused and the estimated cost of repair which is around $10,000 USD

In summary we need:

·      Classroom Block 1 rebuild costs: $7087 USD

·      Classroom Block 2 repair costs: $324 USD

·      Teachers Repairs costs: $1,032 USD

·      Labour costs: $1,266,45 USD

Please click on this link, and scroll down the webpage to view the scanned in letter from the Headmaster.
Letter From Headmaster 

Getting the Funds to the school
We will work closely with the Headmaster and School Council, we will pay the merchants and labour directly as and when required.

New Charitable Foundation:
Because of this disaster we have set up the www.RasaSchoolsFoundation.org
Our long term goals to help children, and communities in the Rasa area, reach their full potential by enabling them to learn and educate.


  • Anonym
    • £25
    • 3 mos
  • Gemma Hadlow
    • £10
    • 5 mos
  • Katie Paling
    • £50
    • 1 yr
  • Russell Reynolds Associates Ltd
    • £500
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • £20
    • 2 yrs

Spendenteam: Rasa Schools Foundation (2)

Veronika Chagonda-Reid
Simon Reid
Team member

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