#ProjectComicCon SDCC19 - ReleaseTheSnyderCut/AFSP
Donation protected
The time has now come to make an ultimate statement to Warner Brothers and AT&T, of our firm and unyielding desire for the release of the full and complete Zack Snyder Cut of Justice League.
Over the course of the past year and a half, the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement has undertaken a variety of campaigns, so as to garner the attention of those in a sufficient position of power and influence to satisfy our demand. The various members of our movement—from all walks of life, all races and creeds, all religious and political persuasions—have partaken in such efforts as hashtag trends, reply-bombing, phone calls, and letters. And little by little, we have gained the satisfaction of knowing that, at the very least, they are aware of our cause. They know of our existence.
The question, to them, is whether or not our desire will fade away in time.
Well, the time has come to make a big, bold declaration to Warner Brothers, and all who can see and hear, that we are not going away. We are not fading.
We are growing. And as such, we need to prove it to them, by a big campaign that is impossible to ignore, shrug off, or otherwise dismiss.
Some months ago, a man with a plan pitched a crowdfund campaign for an airborne banner with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut hashtag, to be flown over WB Studios. As many of you may recall, it was a major success in boosting morale for our movement—particularly as Zack Snyder himself took notice of it.
We need to do it again—and more. We need a massive advertising assault that will inform both Warner Brothers and anyone present of the power and presence of our cause. And we need to do it at San Diego Comic-Con.
NOW: This crowdfund campaign is only a part of a vast organized effort to fill the 2019 Comic-Con with advertising for our cause. We will have boots on the ground, at and around the convention, doing a wide variety of activities:
- Carrying handheld #ReleaseTheSnyderCut signs throughout the convention center (There may or may not be cosplayers doing this);
- Handing out educational fliers about the Snyder Cut and where to support our cause;
- Distributing swag to interested convention-goers;
The above part of Project Comic-Con will be self-funded by the generosity of various passionate and motivated members. Nonetheless, there are some things that are simply too massive, too ambitious—and yes, too expensive—to finance on our own.
And that, Spartans, is where you come in.
The central, necessary element of this part of Project Comic-Con involves taking Charlie’s successful airborne banner flight even further: A 2-hour flight of a “WB #ReleaseTheSnyderCut OF JUSTICE LEAGUE” airborne banner, from noon to 2 PM, on the day before Warner Brothers presents at Hall H of the convention. Those two hours will be spent flying around, and around, and around the convention center. It will not be missed—by the noon crowds at the convention, the general public in that part of San Diego, or the media itself.
It will not be ignored.
As provided by our contacts in the airborne banner company of choice, the cost of such a 2 hour effort is $1070.
Now, KEEP IN MIND, the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement has a specific tradition in all our fundraising endeavors: That half of the money raised will always go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). This is a cause very dear to our hearts, and we have no intention of compromising on this. To this end, we would not consider this crowdfund a success if we do not raise at least $2140.
You will notice that we wrote “at least”. We would like to encourage potential contributors to go ahead and fund as much as they’d be willing and capable.
Why, do you ask?
Well, there are many secondary “bold advertising” concepts that we will update you on, the closer they come to realization. Once Level One (the two-hour banner) is achieved, we will unlock…
Well, everyone, WE DID IT. We have successfully funded a 2 hour airborne banner to fly over Comic-Con, and we did it in a single day! Now, we shoot for something every bit as prominent, but a bit more expensive:
We are now going to finance a billboard in San Diego, as close to Comic-Con as possible, so that folks on route will behold it. It will be designed by Ramesh De Silva.
The best quote for a San Diego billboard we've been able to pinpoint would cost $1960.
It would be nicely situated for people driving into San Diego.
Doubling to cover our contribution to AFSP, we will now need to raise an additional $3920!
Thus, Spartans, if we want a Billboard our current grand total raised would need to be $6060.
This is completely doable, as you yourselves have proven. We raised $2100 in a day!
We can surely raise two or three times that much in a couple of months.
And who knows? If we raise it soon enough…there MIGHT even be a Level THREE…!
Ladies and gentlemen, WE DID IT AGAIN!!!
Within the spans of a few weeks, we successfully funded a billboard. Give yourselves a great big pat on the back.
Thanks to you, our presence in San Diego will be bigger than ever.
Now, for something more. Something that will scream that our movement IS To Be Taken Seriously. On July 19th, The Hollywood Reporter—the biggest and most prominent of the trade magazines for the entertainment industry—will come out with a double-length issue devoted to San Diego Comic-Con.
July 13th is the deadline to secure an advertisement in that issue. And we intend to meet it.
We intend to place an ad for #ReleaseTheSnyderCut in the SDCC special issue of THR. As always, of course, it will be designed by Ramesh de Silva.
So, how much will this cost? Well…that, Spartans, is up to YOU.
Here are the rates, based on exactly what kind of ad you’re looking for:
Quarter-page, black & white: $1200
Quarter-page, color: $1800
Half-page, black & white: $2400
Half-page, color: $3500
Full-page, black & white: $4500
Full-page, color: $6200
Doubling the numbers to account for our donation to AFSP: $2400, $3600, $4800, $7000, $9000, and $12,400.
Unlike Levels 1 and 2, Level 3 will be open-ended.
It will be up to you as to how big this ad is going to be—how prominent.
Considering the amount needed to reach a full-page color ad, this will probably be the final level for the crowdfunding part of Project Comic-Con.
Still, a miracle could happen once again, and we somehow manage to surpass a Grand Total of $18,460 soon enough to allow for a Level 4….
***See Update re Level 3 ending at Half Page in Colour***
All right, folks, ONCE AGAIN you all stunned us with your generosity—and insight.
It hasn’t even been a single month yet, and STILL, you’ve raised for us the money for a 2 hour banner flight around Comic-Con…a billboard on the highway leading into San Diego…and now, a half-page full-color ad in the SDCC special issue of The Hollywood Reporter.
As we noted in the Update noted above, it would be very expensive to upgrade to a full-page ad, and in the meantime we discovered a new possibility for a Level 4.
So, what’s the plan?
Well, it’s to secure ads on Bus Stops in key spots in San Diego, on routes to the convention centre, we hope this will raise the profile of this campaign as there's a huge potential that many attendees will be stood waiting for their public transport to attend.
How many ads? How many bus stops? Well…just like for Level 3, we’ll let YOU decide.
The cost of one Bus Stop ad is $1667. Factoring in fees to GoFundMe brings it to $1980.
Doubling that to ensure the donation for AFSP: $3960.
Thus, we’ll need to raise a new goal to $17,020, and then perhaps raise it further for a second bus stop….
ONE Bus Stop Ad alone would be a major boost to our efforts at Comic-Con—an indication to ALL of our presence and influence, the sense that we are everywhere.
But the more (as they say) the merrier...
Now, is THIS level the final goal?
Well…who knows?
You never cease to pleasantly astonish us with the speed of your generosity.
Let’s see, Spartans, how far we can go….
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we have now successfully cleared up all confusion with the company providing bus stop ads, and we are proud to say that, while the actual price is somewhat more expensive, it will be fully worth the extra cost.
The bus stop ad will now be a full-on wrap-around for the ENTIRE bus stop—outside...and inside.
There will be no other ads competing for attention: It will be ours, and ours alone.
Yes, Spartans: A strategically-placed bus stop in a key area of San Diego, in close proximity to the convention center, will be converted to a week-long advertising mural for the Snyder Cut.
The cost for the bus stop is now confirmed to be $3,500. Factoring in fees to GoFundMe brings it to $4,175.
Doubling that to ensure the donation for AFSP: $8,350.
The Grand Total goal, therefore, is now at $21,410.
NOW: After much discussion, we would like to announce that we have a Level Five in mind, should your generosity continue to ensure our success.
This Level 5 idea holds a special place in our hearts, as it corresponds to Zack Snyder’s 5-part vision for the DCEU.
We thank you again for your generosity, Spartans.
Now let’s shoot for Level FIVE….
Ladies and gentlemen, Spartans all, we have already achieved the impossible. Thanks to each and every one of you, we have successfully funded a two hour airborne banner over Comic-Con...a digital billboard on the highway into San Diego...a half page color ad in the SDCC special issue of The Hollywood Reporter...and a full series of ads wrapping all around a strategically located bus stop.
Level 4 of Project Comic-Con is now complete. We have already succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
And yet...we would be remiss if we didn't honor Zack Snyder's complete vision for the DCEU: his FIVE-part arc for Superman, Lois Lane, and the Justice League.
SO...what will Level 5 look like?
Well, dear Spartans...once again, as we did with Level 3, we leave the exact scope of this final, ultimate level for Project Comic-Con...to you.
There are two things we're looking for, here.
First, we're after a mobile billboard, to be driven up and down the street of the convention center. With Ramesh De Silva as his busiest, focusing on making the effective mini-museum at the bus stop the absolute BEST it can be...this mobile billboard's art will be designed by our treasurer Alessandro, himself an expert in marketing.
We are also looking for giving a solid boost to our boots on the ground. With the increasingly massive scope you've helped us reach over the past several months, we now feel that we MUST upgrade our ground game accordingly.
Our outreach, with the resulting MASSIVE number of additional fliers and swag, will now be the likes of which Comic-Con has never seen before, and possibly never will see again.
The upgrades we're looking for, as estimated by our ground gane organizers The Nerd Queens, will require $1,300. Doubling for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, of course, requires $2,600.
As for the mobile billboard?
Well, that's where the flexibility comes in. There are TWO possibilities here:
A standard-issue mobile billboard, for $5,600, WITH A DEADLINE of June 30...
A digital mobile billboard for $7,850, with a deadline of July 13.
Doubling for AFSP, those are options of $11,200 or $15,700.
Whichever one we pick will be up to you.
As there is no deadline for the surge in ground game supplies, that will be the last piece funded, after the choice of billboard is determined by your generosity and preference.
Adding our previous grand total of $21,410, PLUS pounding up to account for expenses paid to GoFundMe...the first tier for Level 5 (the standard mobile billboard) will be a grand total of $32,650.
The second/alternative tier (the digital billboard) will be a grand total of $37,150.
The standard mobile billboard PLUS ground game funds? $35,300
The digital mobile billboard PLUS ground game funds? $39,800
NOW, it is very likely, in the limited time we have left before Comic-Con, that we won't raise either amount required for a mobile billboard. In that event, rest assured that we WILL direct $1,300 to the ground game, regardless. The remainder of additional funds raised, after covering expenses for GoFundMe, WILL go to AFSP.
If Level 5 Mobile Billboard is NOT achieved, our Goal to cover the Ground Team will be $2,600 ($1,300 AFSP) bringing our grand total required to $24,010.
DO NOT think of that as a failure in any way. Your money has STILL been put to productive use, for our movement AND for AFSP. We will have made Level 5 something to remember, one way or another.
It's all up to you, ladies and gentlemen. We continue to thank you all for your continued generosity and support of #ProjectComicCon.
Let's make this grand finale something to remember.
Recent events have raised the question: What if Warner Brothers bites the proverbial bullet and announces their plans to release the Snyder Cut, prior to Comic-Con? What happens to the money we’ve already raised?
Well, our contingency plan, should that announcement happen, is to donate the entirety of the money to AFSP. This sends the ultimate message of the nobility of our intentions and cause—we proclaim the value of LIFE, and the things that make it worth living. The integrity of great art, of course, being one of them.
For now, fellow warriors for Zack Snyder, we ask for your support, financially and socially.
***************************************Legal Bit***************************************************
This campaign has been created by Will Rowlands for and on behalf of the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut online movement, in particular on behalf of Mr Alessandro Maniscalco.
Mr Maniscalco is acting as Beneficiary of these funds for the sole purpose of ensuring 50% of donations are paid to businesses who will perform advertising for this non profit event as described above in the campaign description.
Mr Maniscalco will also forward the other 50% of these Donations / Gifts to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, as stated within this campaign.
All donations / Gifts have been Solicited.
All donors will receive nothing in return for their donations / gifts.
The time has now come to make an ultimate statement to Warner Brothers and AT&T, of our firm and unyielding desire for the release of the full and complete Zack Snyder Cut of Justice League.
Over the course of the past year and a half, the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement has undertaken a variety of campaigns, so as to garner the attention of those in a sufficient position of power and influence to satisfy our demand. The various members of our movement—from all walks of life, all races and creeds, all religious and political persuasions—have partaken in such efforts as hashtag trends, reply-bombing, phone calls, and letters. And little by little, we have gained the satisfaction of knowing that, at the very least, they are aware of our cause. They know of our existence.
The question, to them, is whether or not our desire will fade away in time.
Well, the time has come to make a big, bold declaration to Warner Brothers, and all who can see and hear, that we are not going away. We are not fading.
We are growing. And as such, we need to prove it to them, by a big campaign that is impossible to ignore, shrug off, or otherwise dismiss.
Some months ago, a man with a plan pitched a crowdfund campaign for an airborne banner with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut hashtag, to be flown over WB Studios. As many of you may recall, it was a major success in boosting morale for our movement—particularly as Zack Snyder himself took notice of it.
We need to do it again—and more. We need a massive advertising assault that will inform both Warner Brothers and anyone present of the power and presence of our cause. And we need to do it at San Diego Comic-Con.
NOW: This crowdfund campaign is only a part of a vast organized effort to fill the 2019 Comic-Con with advertising for our cause. We will have boots on the ground, at and around the convention, doing a wide variety of activities:
- Carrying handheld #ReleaseTheSnyderCut signs throughout the convention center (There may or may not be cosplayers doing this);
- Handing out educational fliers about the Snyder Cut and where to support our cause;
- Distributing swag to interested convention-goers;
The above part of Project Comic-Con will be self-funded by the generosity of various passionate and motivated members. Nonetheless, there are some things that are simply too massive, too ambitious—and yes, too expensive—to finance on our own.
And that, Spartans, is where you come in.
The central, necessary element of this part of Project Comic-Con involves taking Charlie’s successful airborne banner flight even further: A 2-hour flight of a “WB #ReleaseTheSnyderCut OF JUSTICE LEAGUE” airborne banner, from noon to 2 PM, on the day before Warner Brothers presents at Hall H of the convention. Those two hours will be spent flying around, and around, and around the convention center. It will not be missed—by the noon crowds at the convention, the general public in that part of San Diego, or the media itself.
It will not be ignored.
As provided by our contacts in the airborne banner company of choice, the cost of such a 2 hour effort is $1070.
Now, KEEP IN MIND, the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement has a specific tradition in all our fundraising endeavors: That half of the money raised will always go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). This is a cause very dear to our hearts, and we have no intention of compromising on this. To this end, we would not consider this crowdfund a success if we do not raise at least $2140.
You will notice that we wrote “at least”. We would like to encourage potential contributors to go ahead and fund as much as they’d be willing and capable.
Why, do you ask?
Well, there are many secondary “bold advertising” concepts that we will update you on, the closer they come to realization. Once Level One (the two-hour banner) is achieved, we will unlock…
Well, everyone, WE DID IT. We have successfully funded a 2 hour airborne banner to fly over Comic-Con, and we did it in a single day! Now, we shoot for something every bit as prominent, but a bit more expensive:
We are now going to finance a billboard in San Diego, as close to Comic-Con as possible, so that folks on route will behold it. It will be designed by Ramesh De Silva.
The best quote for a San Diego billboard we've been able to pinpoint would cost $1960.
It would be nicely situated for people driving into San Diego.
Doubling to cover our contribution to AFSP, we will now need to raise an additional $3920!
Thus, Spartans, if we want a Billboard our current grand total raised would need to be $6060.
This is completely doable, as you yourselves have proven. We raised $2100 in a day!
We can surely raise two or three times that much in a couple of months.
And who knows? If we raise it soon enough…there MIGHT even be a Level THREE…!
Ladies and gentlemen, WE DID IT AGAIN!!!
Within the spans of a few weeks, we successfully funded a billboard. Give yourselves a great big pat on the back.
Thanks to you, our presence in San Diego will be bigger than ever.
Now, for something more. Something that will scream that our movement IS To Be Taken Seriously. On July 19th, The Hollywood Reporter—the biggest and most prominent of the trade magazines for the entertainment industry—will come out with a double-length issue devoted to San Diego Comic-Con.
July 13th is the deadline to secure an advertisement in that issue. And we intend to meet it.
We intend to place an ad for #ReleaseTheSnyderCut in the SDCC special issue of THR. As always, of course, it will be designed by Ramesh de Silva.
So, how much will this cost? Well…that, Spartans, is up to YOU.
Here are the rates, based on exactly what kind of ad you’re looking for:
Quarter-page, black & white: $1200
Quarter-page, color: $1800
Half-page, black & white: $2400
Half-page, color: $3500
Full-page, black & white: $4500
Full-page, color: $6200
Doubling the numbers to account for our donation to AFSP: $2400, $3600, $4800, $7000, $9000, and $12,400.
Unlike Levels 1 and 2, Level 3 will be open-ended.
It will be up to you as to how big this ad is going to be—how prominent.
Considering the amount needed to reach a full-page color ad, this will probably be the final level for the crowdfunding part of Project Comic-Con.
Still, a miracle could happen once again, and we somehow manage to surpass a Grand Total of $18,460 soon enough to allow for a Level 4….
***See Update re Level 3 ending at Half Page in Colour***
All right, folks, ONCE AGAIN you all stunned us with your generosity—and insight.
It hasn’t even been a single month yet, and STILL, you’ve raised for us the money for a 2 hour banner flight around Comic-Con…a billboard on the highway leading into San Diego…and now, a half-page full-color ad in the SDCC special issue of The Hollywood Reporter.
As we noted in the Update noted above, it would be very expensive to upgrade to a full-page ad, and in the meantime we discovered a new possibility for a Level 4.
So, what’s the plan?
Well, it’s to secure ads on Bus Stops in key spots in San Diego, on routes to the convention centre, we hope this will raise the profile of this campaign as there's a huge potential that many attendees will be stood waiting for their public transport to attend.
How many ads? How many bus stops? Well…just like for Level 3, we’ll let YOU decide.
The cost of one Bus Stop ad is $1667. Factoring in fees to GoFundMe brings it to $1980.
Doubling that to ensure the donation for AFSP: $3960.
Thus, we’ll need to raise a new goal to $17,020, and then perhaps raise it further for a second bus stop….
ONE Bus Stop Ad alone would be a major boost to our efforts at Comic-Con—an indication to ALL of our presence and influence, the sense that we are everywhere.
But the more (as they say) the merrier...
Now, is THIS level the final goal?
Well…who knows?
You never cease to pleasantly astonish us with the speed of your generosity.
Let’s see, Spartans, how far we can go….
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we have now successfully cleared up all confusion with the company providing bus stop ads, and we are proud to say that, while the actual price is somewhat more expensive, it will be fully worth the extra cost.
The bus stop ad will now be a full-on wrap-around for the ENTIRE bus stop—outside...and inside.
There will be no other ads competing for attention: It will be ours, and ours alone.
Yes, Spartans: A strategically-placed bus stop in a key area of San Diego, in close proximity to the convention center, will be converted to a week-long advertising mural for the Snyder Cut.
The cost for the bus stop is now confirmed to be $3,500. Factoring in fees to GoFundMe brings it to $4,175.
Doubling that to ensure the donation for AFSP: $8,350.
The Grand Total goal, therefore, is now at $21,410.
NOW: After much discussion, we would like to announce that we have a Level Five in mind, should your generosity continue to ensure our success.
This Level 5 idea holds a special place in our hearts, as it corresponds to Zack Snyder’s 5-part vision for the DCEU.
We thank you again for your generosity, Spartans.
Now let’s shoot for Level FIVE….
Ladies and gentlemen, Spartans all, we have already achieved the impossible. Thanks to each and every one of you, we have successfully funded a two hour airborne banner over Comic-Con...a digital billboard on the highway into San Diego...a half page color ad in the SDCC special issue of The Hollywood Reporter...and a full series of ads wrapping all around a strategically located bus stop.
Level 4 of Project Comic-Con is now complete. We have already succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
And yet...we would be remiss if we didn't honor Zack Snyder's complete vision for the DCEU: his FIVE-part arc for Superman, Lois Lane, and the Justice League.
SO...what will Level 5 look like?
Well, dear Spartans...once again, as we did with Level 3, we leave the exact scope of this final, ultimate level for Project Comic-Con...to you.
There are two things we're looking for, here.
First, we're after a mobile billboard, to be driven up and down the street of the convention center. With Ramesh De Silva as his busiest, focusing on making the effective mini-museum at the bus stop the absolute BEST it can be...this mobile billboard's art will be designed by our treasurer Alessandro, himself an expert in marketing.
We are also looking for giving a solid boost to our boots on the ground. With the increasingly massive scope you've helped us reach over the past several months, we now feel that we MUST upgrade our ground game accordingly.
Our outreach, with the resulting MASSIVE number of additional fliers and swag, will now be the likes of which Comic-Con has never seen before, and possibly never will see again.
The upgrades we're looking for, as estimated by our ground gane organizers The Nerd Queens, will require $1,300. Doubling for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, of course, requires $2,600.
As for the mobile billboard?
Well, that's where the flexibility comes in. There are TWO possibilities here:
A standard-issue mobile billboard, for $5,600, WITH A DEADLINE of June 30...
A digital mobile billboard for $7,850, with a deadline of July 13.
Doubling for AFSP, those are options of $11,200 or $15,700.
Whichever one we pick will be up to you.
As there is no deadline for the surge in ground game supplies, that will be the last piece funded, after the choice of billboard is determined by your generosity and preference.
Adding our previous grand total of $21,410, PLUS pounding up to account for expenses paid to GoFundMe...the first tier for Level 5 (the standard mobile billboard) will be a grand total of $32,650.
The second/alternative tier (the digital billboard) will be a grand total of $37,150.
The standard mobile billboard PLUS ground game funds? $35,300
The digital mobile billboard PLUS ground game funds? $39,800
NOW, it is very likely, in the limited time we have left before Comic-Con, that we won't raise either amount required for a mobile billboard. In that event, rest assured that we WILL direct $1,300 to the ground game, regardless. The remainder of additional funds raised, after covering expenses for GoFundMe, WILL go to AFSP.
If Level 5 Mobile Billboard is NOT achieved, our Goal to cover the Ground Team will be $2,600 ($1,300 AFSP) bringing our grand total required to $24,010.
DO NOT think of that as a failure in any way. Your money has STILL been put to productive use, for our movement AND for AFSP. We will have made Level 5 something to remember, one way or another.
It's all up to you, ladies and gentlemen. We continue to thank you all for your continued generosity and support of #ProjectComicCon.
Let's make this grand finale something to remember.
Recent events have raised the question: What if Warner Brothers bites the proverbial bullet and announces their plans to release the Snyder Cut, prior to Comic-Con? What happens to the money we’ve already raised?
Well, our contingency plan, should that announcement happen, is to donate the entirety of the money to AFSP. This sends the ultimate message of the nobility of our intentions and cause—we proclaim the value of LIFE, and the things that make it worth living. The integrity of great art, of course, being one of them.
For now, fellow warriors for Zack Snyder, we ask for your support, financially and socially.
***************************************Legal Bit***************************************************
This campaign has been created by Will Rowlands for and on behalf of the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut online movement, in particular on behalf of Mr Alessandro Maniscalco.
Mr Maniscalco is acting as Beneficiary of these funds for the sole purpose of ensuring 50% of donations are paid to businesses who will perform advertising for this non profit event as described above in the campaign description.
Mr Maniscalco will also forward the other 50% of these Donations / Gifts to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, as stated within this campaign.
All donations / Gifts have been Solicited.
All donors will receive nothing in return for their donations / gifts.
Co-organizers (2)
Bill Rowlands
Los Angeles, CA
Alessandro Maniscalco
Alessandro Maniscalco
Team member