Richard Underwood Jr
Recently, my dad had to go through an emergency surgery; we learned of a tumor blockage, and the cancer spread to the liver. They also informed us that night that we would need to schedule another surgery plus chemotherapy. He wasn't feeling well for a while, and thought this could be fixed with dietary changes. We are so grateful that he did go to the doctor and that we do have a wonderful team to help us through the multiple medical teams and facilities.
My dad is a full-time fishing guide and had multiple trips coming up; he is the main source of income. My mom Jeannie is in college right now to become an Entrepreneur at Blissful Beauty as an Esthetician. However, the college has agreed to take medical leave to support her husband. This is the reason why the gofundme account has been created.
It has been 3 weeks since we all put the brakes on to prepare for everything. The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is Coordinating all of the efforts for the care, nurses visits in the home, Providence Chemotherapy, and monitoring the progress of Wound healing before the Chemotherapy can begin.
The treatment plan he will be going through is considered aggressive plan. The chemotherapy infusions will be 5.5 hours each visit and there will be 3 medications given. The Support Squad be providing updates on Caring Bridge website page.
For a more informal conversation and we have a Facebook Group page that he is on. It is called: "Richie's Support Squad updates - Cancer Crushers - Prayer Warriors." Anyone is welcome to join and provide some inspirational messages, prayer, funny memes. We will need all of the above to get through the next few months. Thank you for reading!!