Robbed and Dragged, Ran Over Recovery for Colin
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Hello, my name is Cameron Root. On June 15th my families lives changed forever. My little brother Colin Rogers was taken to Helen Devos Children's hospital. After several hours of brain surgery he is now placed in ICU. All the doctors have told us thus far is that he has a fracture on his skull, brain hemorrhage and swelling. Colin is currently in a medical induced coma fighting for his life. Tubes, wires and no voice. This all happened over a Facebook marketplace deal where the buyers didn't want to pay my little brother. He was left for dead! He was drug by a vehicle and moments away from death. As we are connecting the story all we are aware of us his that he got drug by a vehicle we don't know how long for or even how it happened. We are unsure if the they rolled the window up on him and drove away or he was gripping the door as they took off! As we piece together the information our hearts ache and we are pondering on so many things right now. Colin is a great kid and never has been a trouble maker always seemed to have great friends by his side and overall a great head on his shoulders. We would have never thought this would happen to us and now we sit here and ask ourselves WHY? But what we have to focus on his being here for our family and finding the strength for Colin to heal and recover as quickly and as safely as possible. My parents are staying at the hospital currently. We are asking for donations for any and all medical bills we will receive. And attorney fees to fight for my brother! Thank you for your time and we appreciate your donations in this difficult transition in our life.
Update since Colin has been at Merry Free bed.
Colin has been in Merry Free Bed now for a few weeks now undergoing rehabilitation. Which seems to be going well! As far as we know he is still in some sort of a coma. The doctors call it semi consciousness. So if you see me use the word "awake" just know it's only awake as semi consciousness allows it. He can't talk. He can't really move on his own, but we have been getting him in a chair and moving him around to give him some sort of stimulation. He was on medication to help make his brain more alert, and try to get him to actually wake up. But we've since stopped as it seemed he was getting too much stimulation for this point in his recovery. He does well in his rehabilitation! The rehab specialist will do tests where she asks him questions about things he'd know. And he uses his eyes and head to say yes or no. We can clearly see that he is doing this a lot of the time! He knows many things still and as far as I can tell understands commands! He's also looking VERY good! Everyone says since his beard has grown out quite a bit, him and I (Cameron) look much more alike now. He's even kept a lot of his muscle so far! He'll love that as he was body building before this all befell him. It's still a long road ahead of us. So continue praying and hoping for the best. It's the best thing we can do for him.
Onto the less great news....the assholes that did this won't see a day behind bars. They'll apparently be on probation until they're 20. Cause it works so well for everyone else right? Apparently Michigan law is very strict about putting minors behind bars. Even if they've committed such a terrible crime. The prosecuting attorney says that he won't try them as adults because he can't establish "intent". So these little pricks are free to do this to anyone else's family!
If you were aware, Colin was drug by these boys for 855ft! 32 seconds! 32 seconds of dragging someone with a car and there's no established intent. We of course are appalled at this decision to let these kids stay free. So we are fighting it. You can join in on the fight if you wish by joining ColinCrew Justice for Victim of Bullies on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1364222000847774/?ref=share&mibextid=aE13LE
We aren't doing this just for Colin. We are doing it for all of the families that could have it happen to them. It could be yours, it could be your neighbors, it could be anyone you know and we wouldn't wish it on anyone! So help us get this out and get laws made that are going to put these obvious criminals away for the wrongs they do!
Here you can find update videos on Colin and his situation: PT1 https://youtube.com/shorts/cCm2LgssF80?feature=share
Again. We really really appreciate any support and love y'all send our way.
Cameron Root
Kent City, MI