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Those how don't know ROBERT, he's Such of SPECIAL HUMAN BEING, He'll take the shirt of his back to give those on NEED, HE'S RESPECTFUL ,HE BELIEVES IN HELPING PEOPLE THAT ARE GOING THROUGH HARD TIME (BECAUSE LIKE HE ALWAYS SAY,WE NEVER KNOW IF ONE DAY GOD WILL BRING US THERE TOO) .MY HUSBAND :ROBERT GADEK'S SUCH OF HARD WORKING MAN, HE VOLUNTEERED TO : RESCUE PETS (STREET ANIMALS)ẞ, HE'S RESPECTFUL AND A FAMILY MAN,HIS PRIDE AND JOY IT'S OUR 2 DAUGHTER'S : ASHLEY & ANDREA,ALSO OUR MARRIAGE OF 21yrs..,, HE'S MY LIFE ,GOD COULDN'T GIVE ME A BETTER HUSBAND About. 5 months ago, on Mother's Day, I found out that I have septicemia, which is bacteria in the blood, ( I cut my hand while taking care of my plants and it got infected) "to make the history short" doctors gave me ONLY 48 hours to Live, but GOD had other plans for ME. I stayed in the hospital for about 60 days . My insurance paid the medical bills but we:My Wife and Daughters:, Ashley and Andrea Gadek ( my family,) were responsible for all the other bills. When I was released we find out that the landlord started eviction process while I was Hospitalized(his reason's was that he didn't know how long I was going to be sick ) and when I came out were evicted we were Only 1 month behind in rent (the judge was on our side and gave us enough time to look for new apartment). . Anyway I am the only one working in the household, my wife takes care of the house and our DAUGHTER(Youngest) ANDREA, who has a Chronic Illlness, and I was able to bring us up to date with all our bills. Now I come to find out that once again I am sick, with the same medical problem(Blood Infection- Septicemia). We are desperate and are asking for any type of financial HELP that you can DONATE through the GO FUND ME PAGE:ROBERT GADEK SICK DAD : you can donate using a Credit Card, Debit Card also you can email my wife at: [email redacted]. ., Without your FINANCIAL HELP my FAMILY will end up Homeless WHILE I'M HOSPITALIZED and not able to do Anything for them, also we have Medical Bills that we going to be responsible to PAY for many things , Part of the COST of His OPEN HEART SURGERY HELP US PLEASE!!!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE MY STORY , through Any Social Media OUTLET : FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, SNAPCHAT. WE NEED YOUR HELP, THANK YOU in ADVANCE for ALL your HELP.   
Robert Gadek
Hollywood, FL