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I need help on my career path

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Hi my name is Steve, in March 2020 I lost my contract work due to the pandemic. Since that happened I have worked every single day to redirect my career and hopefully be able to step in a new direction. The reason for this is that the retail sector that I worked in took a big hit and most of the businesses I worked with closed or downsized. I’ve used all my spare time teaching myself a new skill with the hope that I can develop my career further within a different creative sector. With the cost of living crisis happening recently its made it really hard for me to find employment and I’m literally working 24/7 to try and rectify that. If you can spare a donation maybe just the cost of a coffee or even better if you have contacts that could help me I’d be really grateful. This is a last resort for me I don’t do this lightly but with a heavy heart. Thankyou


Steve Berry

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