Ron & Suzie Petersen
Donation protected
On January 25, 2015
Ron was taken for his last sail ..joined by family and friends sending him off as he would have wanted.
Our love and gratitude to all our friends and family that have and continue to, support us in this difficult time.
I want to thank everyone who has participated in the Go Fund me...Due to Ron's horrid disease, I was unable to work these past's been a long hard row..the amount of support is incredible..half has already been spent on his end and bills leading up to it. I couldn't have done this without everyone's generosity. Oh I will work again..have started with my default of cleaning. I'm not proud. I will do what it takes to keep me afloat..In the meantime, I can breathe again because of the support we have received.
Ron's celebration of life will be in Maine on July 31, 2015. Blessings on all of you.
Kristi's note: Those were Susies word and these are mine:
I have never known any couple as generous and giving through out our whole time of being friends for sure-40 years. You went to their home or their boat and you were fed the very best organic food of your life. Susie only hoped you liked it. No hidden agenda there.
She had Ron then, but now he's gone! Now what! SS cut in half. Loans and medical bills looming quite close.
Then what to do next.
I'm not worried about Susie. She is an angel and a joy. I wish she would come live with me! I know God and the Universe and all of us, will take care of her in this tender time.
From before: Ron Petersen and his wife Susie need help financially to buy medicine, and pay day to day expenses as Susie takes care of Ron. Ron is in the last stages of LBD, Lewey Body Dementia, which is a sad combination Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease. There are treatments, holistic and allopathic, that can be utilized -we just don't have Quite enough cash flow!
We want to help them, give Susie some relief from the day to day work of tending to Ron as she has been for at least 2 -3 full years of doing Everything for him, watching his every move to insure safety and comfort while he is non responsive yet constantly needing 2 people 24/7 to tend to him due to his diseases. He is has Hospice now in St. Thomas, USVI which provides 4 days of 3 hour stints. A blessing for Suzie who is 24/7 on call.
I would guess 100% of the people they have met through all their adventures in the Caribbean and during their circumnavigation and through settling in Maine, that not one person has been turned away or left empty handed.
We love Ron & Sue so much and shake our heads in wonderment that such a powerful strong man can be brought down through disease. Bless you for helping to ease these days for the Petersen's.
Ron was taken for his last sail ..joined by family and friends sending him off as he would have wanted.
Our love and gratitude to all our friends and family that have and continue to, support us in this difficult time.
I want to thank everyone who has participated in the Go Fund me...Due to Ron's horrid disease, I was unable to work these past's been a long hard row..the amount of support is incredible..half has already been spent on his end and bills leading up to it. I couldn't have done this without everyone's generosity. Oh I will work again..have started with my default of cleaning. I'm not proud. I will do what it takes to keep me afloat..In the meantime, I can breathe again because of the support we have received.
Ron's celebration of life will be in Maine on July 31, 2015. Blessings on all of you.
Kristi's note: Those were Susies word and these are mine:
I have never known any couple as generous and giving through out our whole time of being friends for sure-40 years. You went to their home or their boat and you were fed the very best organic food of your life. Susie only hoped you liked it. No hidden agenda there.
She had Ron then, but now he's gone! Now what! SS cut in half. Loans and medical bills looming quite close.
Then what to do next.
I'm not worried about Susie. She is an angel and a joy. I wish she would come live with me! I know God and the Universe and all of us, will take care of her in this tender time.
From before: Ron Petersen and his wife Susie need help financially to buy medicine, and pay day to day expenses as Susie takes care of Ron. Ron is in the last stages of LBD, Lewey Body Dementia, which is a sad combination Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease. There are treatments, holistic and allopathic, that can be utilized -we just don't have Quite enough cash flow!
We want to help them, give Susie some relief from the day to day work of tending to Ron as she has been for at least 2 -3 full years of doing Everything for him, watching his every move to insure safety and comfort while he is non responsive yet constantly needing 2 people 24/7 to tend to him due to his diseases. He is has Hospice now in St. Thomas, USVI which provides 4 days of 3 hour stints. A blessing for Suzie who is 24/7 on call.
I would guess 100% of the people they have met through all their adventures in the Caribbean and during their circumnavigation and through settling in Maine, that not one person has been turned away or left empty handed.
We love Ron & Sue so much and shake our heads in wonderment that such a powerful strong man can be brought down through disease. Bless you for helping to ease these days for the Petersen's.
Organizer and beneficiary
Kristi Adams
Rangeley Plantation, ME
Susan Petersen