Roses for Roma, Help Fund her Fight
Roses for Roma, Help fund her fight.
Roma Martinez is a forty-nine year old beautiful vibrant woman and fellow postal worker. Roma is the proud mother of four children and also a grandma. In addition to Roma’s own battle with cancer she has also had to deal with the loss of her children's father, and four months later the passing of her oldest daughter. Roma is a survivor and even with these tragedies she will always greet you with a smile and ask you how you are.
Roma has already beat cancer into remission once. Unfortunately, Roma has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. The traditional treatment, Chemo therapy, has not been effective therefore she must try alternative treatments. Roma has exhausted her finances and has been unable to work during her battle. This situation has placed additional stress on both her recovery and her family. Roma is a very proud woman and would never ask for our help. The fact is both Roma and her family could use our help and we intend to help. We are asking our fellow postal family to help raise $27,000 by Thanksgiving 2016.
We also ask that you give a rose to someone you care about or love otherwise known Roses for Roma. It can be real, fake, drawn or whatever you decide. Please PRAY for our Roma and for all who fight this awful disease. Let’s pass this love around the world.
Thank you for your support and prayers