Charlene's Road to Recovery
This Go Fund Me Story, is about my mother Charlene Belton, a Santa Barbara local, a respected employee and friend at Harry's, and an amazing mom. Below, is Charlene's current health story written by me, her daughter, Roxanne Belton.
On July 14th, of this year, I found my mother, who you all know as Charlene Belton, on the floor of her bathroom, where she had been for two days prior, barely conscious. I immediately called 911, medical responders took her straight to Cottage Hospital E.R, shortly after she was then admitted into the ICU center at Cottage Hospital. This is where, her doctors informed me that if I had not gone over to her house that day, if I had not felt like something was wrong, and if my mom spent another 10 hours laying there, she would not be here with us today.
The doctors proceeded to tell me that she had suffered a seizure, and fell, where I found her. Her doctors diagnosed stated she has a blood clotting disorder, and was experiencing acute blood loss. She had a stomach ulcer, was bleeding internally, They told us she has cardiomyopathy, which is a heart muscle disease. Mild pancreatitis, her liver had stopped functioning, which caused her to suffer from ascites, encephalopathy, which is the swelling of her brain, an acute GI bleed, macrocytic anemia, and was experiencing ketoacidosis starvation and was force fed through a feeding tube for 2 out of the 6 weeks she spent in the ICU center. Yes, she was diagnosed, and experiencing all of these diseases, symptoms, plus some more personal diseases, all at the same time.
For the first 3 weeks she was in the ICU center, she had lost all motor senses, including not being able to form sentences, or speak, when she tried, it was as if she had just forgotten how to speak. When she was admitted she weighed 95lbs, and was so incredibly weak. She wasnt able to walk, sit up, or stand on her own two feet. After spending 4 weeks in the ICU, they decided to then, move her down to the main Cottage floor, where she would have more privacy, and quiet-time to focus on her recovery. Until, they found she was bleeding internally, from a stomach ulcer that had hidden itself deep in her stomach where doctors had not been able to see it. They took her into surgery right away, and then moved her back into ICU she then recovered from her surgery back in the ICU center for another week or so. After my mom started to show improvement from the surgery, she went back down to the main floor, and started moving around more, and working with a speech therapist. She was then referred to a comprehensive inpatient rehab facility to be able to regain her strength to walk, her voice to speak, and all motor skills that were lost along the way.
She was released from Cottage at the end of September, after spending close to two months in the hospital. Those two months,were the most scary, nerve racking months of my life.
Charlene is now back at home where she was released to be and work slowly at recovering. however, truth be told, it is going to be sometime before my mom is well enough to be back on her own two feet running around like the spitfire she is. At this point in her recovery, she is unable to work, reason being, simply she is unable to even sit up, and get out of bed, without needing my full assistance. My mother is the strongest woman I know. My entire life I have watched her give me everything I have ever asked for. I grew up being the kid with the single mom, who was also a waitress, and could feel these family's, and moms more well off, judge her. Yet she never let anything bother her, and she made sure that I had still had the same toys they did, or the same shoes. She has gone without for so, so long, just so that i would have whatever material item a teenage girl must have. I owe it to my mother to turn the tables, and give back to her. I am currently my moms fulltime caretaker. Due to the round the clock care my mom requires, its close to impossible to work another actual paying job.
Due to Charlene being out of work, and not having the savings she would have wished for.. Means, I am finding my mom in bed overwhelmed with anxiety and stress, thinking about if she will be able to pay her bills for the month, put food in the house, buy daily/weekly basis supplies, or simply just be able to pay her rent. Not even including the $85,000 dollar (and growing) medical bill that she has received.
I want to see my mom stress free, relaxed, resting peacefully, and truly focused on her recovery instead of finances.
For over 7 years now, my mom, has been a loyal employee at Harry's. Whether she would be serving a table filled with customers she has grown to know and love, or a table filled with people who have never been to Harry's before, she makes you know you're in good hands. Your day may be going horrible, but from the second you step inside this restaurant doors, settle into that dark booth, while drinking your stiff drink, you know that at least the next hour or two you won't have to stress, or worry about a thing, and that you're in good hands, all because Charlene is your server.
I(Roxanne Belton) have created This Go Fund Me page with hopes that this story about my awesome, very deserving mother will somehow cross your path.
It will reach her friends, loved ones, co workers, customers, employers, family members, acquantances, etc...
Our family, asks you, from the bottom of our hearts, to please help her in any way, to be able to find peace of mind, so she wont have to worry about medical bills, and rent, and more bills. She can focus in peace on what really matters, her recovery.
This is money is going towards her medical bills of $85,000 and growing daily, her monthly expenses such as rent, bills, and daily needs. Anything will, and can helps her in getting back on her feet. All funds raised will be deposited into an account that she has full access to, she uses her cellphone to check this page for updates, so feel free to leave some encouraging, uplifting words in the comment section, she will see it and love it!
My mom, is an amazing, sassy, hilarious, fun, big hearted woman, who I know would want you know how thankful she is for your contribution. Thank your for taking the time to read this, and thank you for caring about my mom the same way I do.
Please find it in your heart to help contribute to Charelene's current road obstacle in the game of life, so for once, we can all make her feel like shes the one being taken care of, and in great hands.
With Love,
Roxanne Belton