Pride Fence Surveillance Security & Upgrades
Donation protected
Our beautiful Pride Fence has been hit over 10 times in the last year, hate crime after hate crime, from spray painting DADT (don’t ask, don’t tell) the night after completion, stealing and defacing Pride flags, buckets of primer and paint poured down the fence, to the very latest broken fence boards, ketchup, honey mustard and cake mix all over the fence and flags. It’s exhausting and can feel very hopeless as the hate appears to be getting worse.
The current surveillance we have needs to be replaced with something more sophisticated to catch whomever is doing these heinous hate crimes. We also were loaned the current system and must return it. If you would like to help catch these criminals and support the purchasing of and installation of new surveillance equipment, the repairs and upgrades to the Pride Fence, this fund will be specifically for this. With your help we will find these criminals and bring them to justice. We will continue to be bright and colorful in what sometimes feels like a dark place. Hate has no home here, never will.

Brittany Fuller
San Diego, CA