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Save Our Shrimps

Spende geschützt
Save Our Shrimps #SaveOurShrimps.

Morecambe FC is a proud club, with a history spanning over a century.

We like many other clubs in the EFL, have an ownership issue.

Whilst an independent regulator for football is not forthcoming, us Shrimps fans need to fight for our club survival.

We need funds.

This is a Shrimps Trust fundraiser. We need to get money into our coffers so that we have the financial resources to either have a financial stake in our beloved football club and attempt to secure its future, or protect the existence of a football club in Morecambe should the worst happen.

Please support our campaign. Shrimps’ fans now is the time to unite, now is the time to put our money where our mouths are.

To the wider footballing community- this isn’t just a Morecambe FC issue, this is a football pyramid issue. As such we call on you for support too.

If you don’t want to see another EFL club fold, due to mismanagement, and you feel passionate about the lower leagues in this country. Please help Save Our Shrimps.

This is an impassioned plea from us Shrimps, to the wider footballing community, help us get this campaign to go viral. Help us raise funds to try and save our wonderful, community club.

*** Due to the fast-changing position of the Club’s plight, if this campaign is determined not succeed in raising enough funds to purchase a significant share of the Club, the funds will be used in other ways as determined by the Trust Board. This may include projects such as developing the land at the side of the hurley flyer, or a fan zone at the ground. If you give generously, you can rest assured that the money you give, will go towards either saving or improving our club and spend will be subject to member approval.




  • Adam Edge
    • £25
    • 2 mos
    • £10
    • 3 mos
  • Anonym
    • £10
    • 3 mos
  • James Nichols
    • £20
    • 3 mos
  • Sally Walters
    • £20
    • 3 mos


Richard Allan

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt