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Save John Calvin

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Imagine if, because of your religion, political beliefs, and sexuality, your own family would have you killed. Imagine if the only way you could survive was to escape the society you were raised in. And now imagine you had made a new life for yourself in a different country – only to be told that you were about to be deported back to those who want you dead. 

John Calvin does not have to imagine any of this. Raised by a Hamas-supporting family in the West Bank – his grandfather was one of the founding fathers of the group - this young Palestinian man was indoctrinated to believe in violence, anti-Semitism, and an extreme interpretation of Islam. However, by the age of 15 he began to question these beliefs, beginning a journey that culminated in him converting to Christianity.  For his parents, this was unacceptable.  His life in grave danger, John had no choice but to escape.

Moving to Canada, John changed his name, joined a Christian university, and came out as gay. For several years, he had the security and freedom that would have been impossible back home. But dark clouds were forming on the horizon. His former "affiliation" with Hamas – a proscribed terrorist group – meant that he was threatened with deportation.

Despite having long ago renounced the ideals of his family, John’s final appeal was not only denied, it wasn't even heard. In a tragic twist, Canada’s strict anti-extremism laws have sealed the fate of one man who has bravely stood up against the bigoted ideology he was born into.

There is no doubt as to what will happen if John is sent back to the West Bank. As he told us:

"In my particular case, deportation would mean a certain death. A fate that is sealed. Furthermore, it wouldn't be a merciful death either. For someone like me, the punishment must be as severe as the ‘crime’ itself. And my ‘crimes are unimaginable’ – this is how they describe my religious conversion, coming out, and talking publicly to the media about it." 

That is why we are asking you to help us put pressure on the Canadian government to allow John to stay. His life is in desperate danger – so please help us save him.

We are a group of friends, churches and supporters working together to bring attention to John's case.

We are trying our last shot of putting a pin at the deportation process, this is our very last, very long shot that we can do through the Canadian government. The (PRRA) application if successful could only delay the deportation, IT WOULD’NT STOP IT. 

We're also are trying to appeal to the United Nations, the UN should have the power to make the Federal Court hear the case. 

At the same time we're trying to get a status for John in another country, giving how little of a chance there is for John to stay in Canada at the moment, it seems like it might be the only way to avoid getting him deported to Palestine (where he will be killed) 

We all know how costly the legal fees are to fight the government on such a high level; we hope to raise enough money to help John fight for his life by covering his legal fees. 

In addition to your financial support, we need help spreading the word about John and place pressure on the government. 

A petition asking the Canadian government to stop the deportation process can be signed here #SaveJohnCalvin

It also would make a huge difference if we can get as many letters/emails written to the following people:

Write your own MP

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness The Honourable Steven Blaney

Minister of Citizenship and Immigration The Honourable Chris Alexander

Facebook page #SaveJohnCalvin


  • Michal Zitron
    • $10
    • 9 yrs


Mark Chiang
Edmonton, AB

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