Hi, my name’s Gina. Last year I visited a friend in Macedonia. Where’s Macedonia? It’s a tiny country in Eastern Europe near Greece. The city of Skopje is beautiful and every single person I met was incredibly
warmhearted and welcoming.
But this is not a story about the virtues of Macedonia, of which there are many. It's a different kind of story that started on the drive to Skopje. On that drive, we stopped at a gas station where I noticed a black Collie with severely matted fur. She was lying near the bathrooms, barely alive. As I approached her she wagged her tail softly, without lifting her head. I am sure she had been poisoned by the government, shop keepers or locals, which is a common practice in places with no resources to help deal with the overpopulation of stray dogs. I vowed to do something. So this is it.
In doing a little research, I found Saving Macedonian Strays (SMS), the only shelter and rescue group in the country. They provide a home for hundreds of animals that come from the streets. They respond no matter how bad the situation is. Their work is profound and so critical.
On June 1st, 2019, SMS will lose access to the land they've been renting for their makeshift shelter, a place that provides a safe landing spot for 220 animals that includes mostly dogs, some cats and even a horse at one time. With limited resources in a country that doesn't prioritize animal rights, it's nearly impossible to find anyone willing to rent a parcel of land to a dog rescue organization. Who needs the hassle? It is SMS's dream to buy a parcel of land that will forever be their home.
Saving Macedonian Strays has found a piece of land for sale with hook ups for electricity and water which are essential but drive up the cost of the property. The cost of the land is $20,000. Fencing will cost another $5,000 and building a storage facility for dog food and other supplies will cost another $5,000. We need $30,000 over the next 4 four weeks to save and relocate the shelter in the video you see here. If you are a soldier in the army of compassion, or just think dogs are kind of awesome, I need your help now.
I ask you to search your soul, and your wallet, and push the donate now button. Your money will go toward providing a long-term solution for homeless animals that suffer unimaginable cruelty and neglect on the streets of Macedonia. You can't solve the street dog problem world wide, but your dollars will ensure there is at least some safety net for animals in this little corner of the world.