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Send Jenn to Israel!!!

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Hello friends! My name is Jenn Shinn and I am a dancer currently living in Durham, NC...but hopefully, with your generous support, I will soon be dancing in Israel!! Just recently I was invited to attend the Vertigo International Dance Program in Jerusalem. The Vertigo International Dance Program (VIDP) is a 5 month intense dance program aimed at broadening the artistic and technical spectrum of a select group of professional dancers...and I am very EXCITED to be one of these dancers!

About a year ago, I was accepted into a similar training program in Israel (yes, Israel has been on my radar for awhile now); however, I had to pass it up. The idea of funding an opportunity this grand seemed impossible! I was fresh out of college with way more knowledge (hopefully) than money. Since then, I have been putting that knowledge filled brain of mine to work, saving as much money as I can, setting my sights on more international opportunities. Amazingly enough, one such came my way, and this time it was without an application, audition, or interview! On Thursday June 12th, I was left speechless and breathless...but definitely not Vertigo Dance Company, after they opened up the 2014 American Dance Festival with a performance showcasing the beauty and vulnerability of raw humanity. As soon as the curtain closed after a lengthy and much deserved standing ovation, I knew that I needed more of that. That I NEEDED to be a part of that. Just two days later, on Saturday June l4th, I was invited to attend the VIDP after taking part in a master class taught by the artistic director of Vertigo Dance Company. Too good to be true, right?! Well...hopefully not. This time, I will not let this chance slip by. This time I am going to make this happen! Well, WE are going to make this happen :)

The first day of VIDP begins on September 2, 2014, and I am confident that, by then, I will have enough money saved to cover 5 months worth of living expenses in Israel. In order for me to tackle tuition and travel expenses, I must honestly rely on the generous support of you... my friends, family, and friends and family of my family and friends!
Tuition: $7,200 (My goal for this campaign is to raise half)

Please take a second to explore the links below for additional information about me and this amazing opportunity!

Soo...Who is this Jenn Shinn with 2 n's anyway???

Vertigo International Dance Program

I am looking forward to THANKING each one of you!



  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Jenn Shinn
Durham, NC

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