Help India Breathe
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My name is Mokshvi Shah, I am a 16 year old Indian immigrant in Gainesville, Florida, and I am begging you to help India breathe.
Right now, the Covid-19 crisis in India is worsening day by day, and funds are desperately needed. People are dying in waiting rooms and outside hospitals due to the lack of resources available to help such a high volume of people. When they pass, mass cremations are occurring on makeshift pyres with abridged funeral rites. Children in villages are left with nobody to care for them, sometimes leaving them undernourished for days, and neighbors or relatives refuse to help due to fear of infection. Every human life is sacred, but during this situation they cannot be treated with the proper care and respect they deserve simply because enough funds and resources are not available. This hits home for me because India is my home. It’s where I was born, where I spent years of my childhood, where my family still lives. And currently, that home can’t breathe. They need more oxygen, more nutrition, more isolation, and just more. If you are in a position to give, to help save lives, why wouldn’t you?
This is why I have joined with Indiaspora, a nonprofit community of global Indian diaspora leaders, to help raise Covid-19 relief funds for India. Indiaspora is an invitation-only organization that transforms the success of the Indian Diaspora into meaningful impact worldwide. Recently mentioned by Vice President Kamala Harris for their Covid-19 relief efforts, they also stress that the funds are sent immediately, because a month from now, it may be too late. Indiaspora will match 100% of the money I raise, and those funds will be given to these organizations in India:
• WISH Foundation for Covid care centers or makeshift hospitals
• GiveIndia which sends a direct cash transfer to the family of the deceased
• Goonj and Jan Sahas for food relief and livelihood assistance
I, myself, am putting in $500 of my own money from my baking business to this fund and my parents are matching up to $1000 dollars of what I raise. By no means does donating mean giving a large sum; even skipping your morning Starbucks and donating that $5.67 will add up.
This isn’t just for the adults, it’s time for youth to act as well. Teach your peers about what’s happening across the ocean, encourage them to take action as well. As children and young adults, our network extends further than we think, and the impact we can have on the future we have to live in is immense.
So please, stand with India. Help India Breathe.
Right now, the Covid-19 crisis in India is worsening day by day, and funds are desperately needed. People are dying in waiting rooms and outside hospitals due to the lack of resources available to help such a high volume of people. When they pass, mass cremations are occurring on makeshift pyres with abridged funeral rites. Children in villages are left with nobody to care for them, sometimes leaving them undernourished for days, and neighbors or relatives refuse to help due to fear of infection. Every human life is sacred, but during this situation they cannot be treated with the proper care and respect they deserve simply because enough funds and resources are not available. This hits home for me because India is my home. It’s where I was born, where I spent years of my childhood, where my family still lives. And currently, that home can’t breathe. They need more oxygen, more nutrition, more isolation, and just more. If you are in a position to give, to help save lives, why wouldn’t you?
This is why I have joined with Indiaspora, a nonprofit community of global Indian diaspora leaders, to help raise Covid-19 relief funds for India. Indiaspora is an invitation-only organization that transforms the success of the Indian Diaspora into meaningful impact worldwide. Recently mentioned by Vice President Kamala Harris for their Covid-19 relief efforts, they also stress that the funds are sent immediately, because a month from now, it may be too late. Indiaspora will match 100% of the money I raise, and those funds will be given to these organizations in India:
• WISH Foundation for Covid care centers or makeshift hospitals
• GiveIndia which sends a direct cash transfer to the family of the deceased
• Goonj and Jan Sahas for food relief and livelihood assistance
I, myself, am putting in $500 of my own money from my baking business to this fund and my parents are matching up to $1000 dollars of what I raise. By no means does donating mean giving a large sum; even skipping your morning Starbucks and donating that $5.67 will add up.
This isn’t just for the adults, it’s time for youth to act as well. Teach your peers about what’s happening across the ocean, encourage them to take action as well. As children and young adults, our network extends further than we think, and the impact we can have on the future we have to live in is immense.
So please, stand with India. Help India Breathe.
Mokshvi Shah
Gainesville, FL