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Shayna Daniels - Volunteer Midwife

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  I served as s a volunteer midwife at the Proshanti Clinic in Juri, Bangladesh for  6 months.

    The past couple months have been intense and difficult, but good overall. In coming to work over here in Bangladesh, I was led to believe things were much different than they really are. The organization I was volunteering for wasn't actually functioning when I arrived, yet there was such an enormous amount of help needed. I couldn't not stay. It is so difficult now even as I write this to not feel like a quitter. Basically this organization doesn't have the respectful care of women as its main concern. I am not okay with that. I know that I was able to make a difference for those mothers who I was there for at their birth; but my impact ends there. The moment I leave the clinic or the home, it is as if I was never there. I recognize that change takes time but it also takes effort and that is what this organization is missing.
     It came to a point where I needed to leave. I am now taking a volunteer post in the  Humla  district in Nepal. I will be volunteering with Nepal PHASE  there. I have seen far too many organizations doing amazing work to toss in the towel and come home just yet.  It will be bittersweet leaving Bangladesh, part of my heart will always be in my little village.
    As this continues to be a volunteer position, donations for medical equipment, supplies for routine prenatal visits and births, and travel and training expenses would make achieving my goals possible. Even a small donation can make a big difference.
    I began my volunteer work in Bangladesh in April of 2014.  As I head to Nepal,  my goal is to assist  in training and midwives that will make it possible for the people of Nepal to recieve the best possible care now and in the future.  https://www.facebook.com/shaynadaniels.midwife


  • Aina Werner
    • $60
    • 9 yrs


Danielle Rust Daniels
Shelley, ID

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