Sherrie Clark Fundraiser
To tell the story of Sherrie you must first know who Sherrie is. I've known Sherrie personally and professionally for several years. She is the type of individual whom is the first to the job, the last to go home and drops everything in a moment to help another. She displays the epitome of patience, kindness and is a loving soul. At work she lights up a room when she walks in and leaves a smile on every face when she leaves.
Sherrie was a diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma over ten years ago. She has gone thru surgery and has been in remission twice during this time. Sherrie is as diligent with her health as she is with her love of people. She stops at nothing to research and find holistic and scientific solutions. She closely monitors her diet, cell count and exercise while maintaining a highly stressful position within our organization and caring for her fourteen year old son. Sherrie is at the stage now where she may need to start more extensive treatment soon. This will require time out of work and this is the reason we are asking for assistance on her behalf during this period.
Please donate what is in your heart.