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My Sister-in-law who is fighting Stage 4 Cancer

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6-18-24 New Update:

This update is from my brother, Peter Sheff.

As many of you know the cancer battle Kim is fighting has been long and difficult but Kim today is doing good.
I just read that Kate Middleton, the princess of Wales, who like my wife Kim, is battling Stage 4 Breast Cancer, has just appeared at the birthday ceremony for her father in law, King Charles. She reported to have put on a "brave face". This perfectly describes Kim. She continues to volunteer at our church, tells everyone she is doing good, goes about her day as if nothing is wrong. I could not be prouder of her! PET Scan coming up in July. Thanks for your prayers a she continues her every three-week infusions. We are still working off her Bucket List and we hope to complete several more trips for Kim in the coming months.
Thanks to everyone who has donated! Your love and support has been amazing and we are looking for additional denotations so Kim can complete her bucket list!
Kim's GoFundMe account


As many of you know, my brother, Peter Sheff and Kim Sheff are fighting the battle for Kim's life. Their journey continues as they recently completed several of Kim's items on her bucket list.
When they returned from their trip to the Grand Cayan, they opened mail to find the first statement on Kim's new chemo treatment which cost $44,300 for each treatment. She is expected to be on this every three week for the rest of her life. Good time to remember Philippians 4:19. "and my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
They are able to keep a positive attitude but with the cost of each treatment they must wonder why a drug to help extend her life is so expensive?
We have a GoFundMe account if you can help Peter and Kim complete Kim's bucket list!
God Bless and thanks to everyone who have contributed and hope we can help them finish her bucket list!

Update: 3.29.24
Below is a post my brother put on Facebook today so I am now going to repost it for everyone who wants to help but isn't on Facebook. We are looking to grow the funds for Peter and Kim as she is working on her bucket list and Grand Canyon and Hawaii are still pending. Any help you can provide is a blessing for Peter and Kim. We thank you all in advance for any and all help and if prayers are all you can do, that is perfect! Use this link to get to GoFundMe: :

“…the valley of Achor as a door of hope…” Hosea 2:15
Achor. The place of trouble and discouragement. You have been there. You may even be there now. How does God give us hope in the midst of a broken heart? “When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul.” (Psalm 94:19) What are the consolations of God that give us hope when we are disappointed?
Bear with me as I share a very real, personal, and present time with my wife, Kim, and me. We are in that place called the “…valley of Achor…” For nearly a year Kim has been dealing with a very serious cancer that has invaded her body. She has exhibited strength and dignity throughout the sometimes humiliating and at times painful process. This week she had her four-month PET scan. We were of course hopeful that we were going to hear some good news. We did not. The cancer has spread to other parts of her body. The treatments she has been taking every three weeks are not working any longer. She will undergo a biopsy to her liver in a few days. They are recommending putting her back on a chemo regimen. Her beautiful hair which has just begun to grow back will more then likely fall out again. There are many possible side effects. It was a surreal experience sitting in the doctor’s office and hearing all this. I felt like our legs were knocked out from under us. We did not get much sleep that night. We talked; we wept together again, in this valley of Achor. Our anxious thoughts multiplied within us.
But then there are those consolations. Those truths that keep us afloat when we are sinking. The promises of God which are amen and amen. That door of hope that only God can give. First of all, God is with us. He does not forsake us when we are in a dark place. He has already gone before us. He is ultimately in charge. His love for us has not changed. His plan and purpose are being worked out. He is working in us as He transforms us more and more into His image. The prayers of the saints are even now like incense before His throne. His grace is sufficient, even when it can be moment by moment. God has already written the story we are in. This chapter may be difficult, but we know the best is yet to come.
We have purposed to give God glory. Like Jesus in John 12:27-26a. “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, “Father save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Thy name…” Jesus was in the valley of Achor. But in just a few days He knew that there would be a door of hope. Not only for Him, for but all of us. Easter was coming. Easter has come. Everything has become new. The promise made in Garden of Eden fulfilled. Just like all the other promises He has made. God has given us a door of hope.
12-27-23 NEW UPDATE.
From the Shepherds point of view: December 26, 2023 “Passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring…” Psalm 84:6 The valley of Baca. The valley of tears. 2023 has been that kind of valley for my wife, Kim and me. But to understand why, we need to go back about thirteen years. We are introduced to that terrible disease called cancer. Kim has surgery to remove her thyroid, which is diagnosed pre-cancerous, and we are told that if it spreads to her lymph nodes it won’t be good. Operation successful and our lives continue. That is until 2014. That terrible word raises its vicious head once again. This time it’s her colon. And it has spread to her lymph nodes, Stage four. Operation, followed with Chemo and two stays in the hospital with some question whether Kim will make it. She finally pulls through and five years later is declared healed. We rejoice. We think that will satisfy the ravaging beast called cancer, and it does for one year. The year is 2020 and we are praying about moving to Florida. Hold everything. Lump in the breast, and that terrible disease is back. This time Kim had a mastectomy. The good news? It has not spread, and no additional treatment is recommended. We once again rejoice! Florida, here we come. Our move to Florida opens the door for us to become involved in a great and growing church. We both end up working for the ministry. Life is good. We convert a metal building to a home. Even have enough money to put in a pool. I am learning how to garden in this sunshine state. Kim is referred to an Oncologist for follow up care. She notices a lump next to her removed breast. The doctor says no worry, just scar tissue. This has gone on for more than a year. Finally, the doctor agrees to do a biopsy. This is followed with an MRI and then a PET scan in May/June 2023. And that terrible word Cancer is back. Only this time it has spread to her chest cavity, her bones, and her liver. Stage 4 on steroids. Did the doctor not read her previous records? I am angry and frustrated. Then I hear a message on the bitter waters and how the Cross makes a difference. I am better. Just broken. The valley of tears. We fill up more of those “tear bottles” (Psalm 56:8) And we are not done yet. Our life is now reduced to every three weeks. Chemo, other infusions, visits to our new Oncologist, and this will be our life for the remainder of Kim’s life. And if the statistics hold true, on one of those visits the doctor will tell us the treatments are no longer working. That is unless God in His mercy heals her. Why share this story? One reason is because telling our story can be a healing, not only for us but for so many others who have experienced this terrible disease. We want this valley of Baca to be turned into a spring. A spring of hope. A spring of love. A spring of encouragement for others. God has given us grace for the moment. I have found there is no grace for all those thoughts I could have about tomorrow. Just today. Holding Kim’s hand while watching a movie, and sometimes a tear will appear. Or celebrating Christmas and wondering and hoping we will have another. Life compressed into a few years. Survival rates cause us to make plans up close rather than in the far future. And then there is an amazing outpouring of support for Kim. Prayers, financial help, ongoing flood of encouragement. Thank you all so much for that. And through it all Kim has demonstrated a strength that can only come from God. Her beautiful flowing hair turned stubble. But there is a beauty that goes beyond all that. It is revealed every day in her heart. Her love for family, for our dogs and cats. I am broken and blessed all at the same time. The Valley of Baca being turned into a spring. One day at a time. And what is true about us we pray will become a fountain of hope for others. Life is short. Redeem the time. None of us know what tomorrow will bring.
Here is the GoFundMe link:
10.17.23 - A new update from Peter and Kim.
Kim and I just returned from a 4 day whirlwind trip to Maine. Kim had some business with being a executor of a will to conclude, visit with family and friends, enjoy some fall weather complete with the changing of leaves and even pick some apples off a tree. Kim is nearing the completion of her treatments (early November), and then we will travel to Moffat in Tampa for a look at the results. We thank all those that are praying for us, and especially Kim, as we travel this road planned for us from eternity past. And what a blessing to know that so many are walking with us, and especially that God walks with us as well. You are all loved.

A new update from Peter on how Kim's is progressing in her treatments.
Kim has just completed her third Chemo treatment. She has experienced the full gamut of expected results. A lot of fatigue, weakness in her legs, hot burning rash on her hands, throat and mouth, loss of appetite, foggy mind, blood coming from the nose, complete hair loss and white blood cells having shot up which requires a sometimes-painful shot. Most food tastes like metal or carboard, but she forces herself to eat. She mostly enjoys tomato soup. She has three more treatments and then a scan to determine if the chemo is working or not. We should know something around the middle of November.
But through it all Kim has kept her focus. She continues to amaze me at how much she moves forward, even the midst of pain. There are times of deep thought about the future. Statics say she has two to three years of living, possibly five. Her cancer is incurable as it has spread to her lungs, bones, and liver. Without any treatment those statics give her 3 months to 15 months. But then, there is God.
We have accepted this cancer as a gift of time. Kim’s bucket list is ever before me, and I will do everything I can to make sure she is able to complete that list. A trip to the ARK was wonderful, the trip to family in Maine was so very warm and loving and perfect. This weekend we will take two days and walk on the beach, something Kim has always loved to do. Kim has had to step back from her job at the church we attend, but still makes herself available to volunteer when she can.
Holding her hand, a kiss during the day, a meaningful hug has so much meaning. Nothing is being taken for granted. Someday all that will be left is memories. So many of you know what I mean.
Each gift that we have received in the form of money, food or just an encouraging word that someone is praying is like manna from heaven for us. In these times of inflation, each financial gift is received knowing that a sacrifice went into it. Your prayers are carrying us. Your love is so precious to us. With all our hearts, we say an overwhelming thank you.

Update for Kim from 8.12.23 from my brother Peter Sheff.
Today is a really tough day for Kim. The Chemo treatments are having their predictable results. Her beautiful hair has begun to fall out. She is right now having her head shaved. We shared some tears together. I reassured her that many years ago I fell in love with her heart, and her heart has not changed in all these years. She will always be beautiful to me. Thank you for lifting her up during these very difficult times. We want to thank everyone who has contributed to her GoFundMe account. Here is the link again if you would like to help with their expenses,

Kimberly Sheff is my sister-in-law, and she is the sweetest, kindest, and most wonderful person I have ever known who is now facing the battle of her short life. Kim is 66 years old and recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer which has spread to her lungs, bones, and liver. Kim’s first bout with cancer occurred in 2014 in the colon, when after five chemo treatments she nearly died and after spending eight days in the hospital recovering. After this, she spent the next five years with regular checkups and was declared cancer free five years later. One year after this she came down with her first bout of breast cancer which resulted in a mastectomy with no further treatment recommended, she and my brother moved from Maine to Florida in 2020. She was referred to a new oncologist and began over a year ago complaining about a lump with some occasional pain to the left of her removed breast. She was told that it was only scar tissue and not to worry. This has gone on over the past year with each succeeding visit. Finally, in May 2023 she had a scan performed and followed up with a biopsy that showed a very aggressive form of cancer. That was followed up with an MRI and then a PET scan which revealed the current diagnosis of terminal cancer with no cure.
Kim has 2 daughters, 4 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren, and Peter has 3 children, 2 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Peter and Kim have been married for over 23 years and love each other as much today as the day they made eye contact with each other over 25 years ago. They both enjoy spending as much time as possible with their kids and grand and great-grandchildren.
Kim was forced to quit her job and Peter has had to cut back from his responsibilities as the pastor for the Sr. adults at this church. They now have the expense of traveling from Marianna, Fla to the Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa which will be a two-day trip each time and will require hotels, gas, and food while they are traveling for her treatments.
Peter is hopeful to get Kim’s bucket list completed which they started last week with a trip to the ARC in Missouri, which they loved.
Kim will begin her Chemo treatments in the next few weeks and with God’s grace she will do well with the treatments and be with us as long as possible.
Thank you in advance for your loving support while Peter and Kim go through this very difficult challenge ahead of them. They are blessed with the love of God and know that this journey will not be an easy one, but they know that God will continue to provide them both with love, dignity, and grace as they go through this journey together.
If you can contribute, please click on the below link and it will take you directly to GoFundMe.
Kim has 2 daughters, 4 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren, and Peter has 3 children, 2 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Peter and Kim have been married for over 23 years and love each other as much today as the day they made eye contact with each other over 25 years ago. They both enjoy spending as much time as possible with their kids and grand and great-grandchildren.
Kim was forced to quit her job and Peter has had to cut back from his responsibilities as the pastor for the Sr. adults at this church. They now have the expense of traveling from Marianna, Fla to the Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa which will be a two-day trip each time and will require hotels, gas, and food while they are traveling for her treatments.
Peter is hopeful to get Kim’s bucket list completed which they started last week with a trip to the ARC in Missouri, which they loved.
Kim will begin her Chemo treatments in the next few weeks and with God’s grace she will do well with the treatments and be with us as long as possible.
Thank you in advance for your loving support while Peter and Kim go through this very difficult challenge ahead of them. They are blessed with the love of God and know that this journey will not be an easy one, but they know that God will continue to provide them both with love, dignity, and grace as they go through this journey together.
If you can contribute, please use the link below for GoFundMe.
Our sincerest thanks!


  • Tim Sapp
    • $100
    • 6 mos
  • Tasha Sheff
    • $50
    • 10 mos
  • Jacques Breton
    • $50
    • 11 mos
  • Roberta Griffith
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $100
    • 1 yr


Terry Sheff
Cumming, GA

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