Sprijin pentru Mariana Arustei si copiii
Donation protected
(English version below)
Tudor Arustei a suferit de un anevrism nedepistat la creierul mic. Duminica, 14 iulie, a facut stop cardio respirator si a fost dus la spital de urgenta. Medicii au fost rezervati in privinta sanselor de supravietuire, dat fiind ca anevrismul era localizat la creierul mic. Sambata, 20 iulie, Tudor a decedat, lasand in urma o sotie indurerata care nu lucreaza, ea avand in grija trei copilasi, de 7, 5 si 2 ani.
Tudor Arustei suffered from an undiagnosed aneurysm in the small brain. On Sunday, July 14, he went into cardio-respiratory arrest and was rushed to hospital. Doctors were reserved about the chances of survival, given that the aneurysm was localized to the small brain. On Saturday, July 20, Tudor passed away, leaving behind a grieving wife who is not working and has three children, aged 7, 5 and 2.
Organizer and beneficiary
Alexandru Ambrosie
Mariana Arustei