Stage 4 Lymphoma-Legal Fight For Medical Accountability
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Introduction: A Call for Justice
Mistreatment, neglect and gaslighting
Dear Supporters, I just started this fundraising campaign
My name is Linda; here is my story and reasons why I must try to get the help which I so much desire for finding myself within this very complicated process. It embraces experiencing a life jolting sickness from January 2022 all the way through cancer diagnosis December 2023 and 10 months of treatment during 2024. Earlier I was fighting for a better way of living, now I am fighting for justice regarding my health as well as others with similar experiences. I expend more efforts of trying to bring those that made me suffer to realize their negligence, which brought me so much suffering.
I´m at the time cancer free, no active cancer cells remain but my back is broken for life due to the progress of the cancer, not discovered in time. L4 vertebral column is collapsed and there is also always a risk for reoccurrence of course.
The three first years of my health troubles
All of this began after getting my second shot of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. During that first 10 months, I noted very huge enlargement of lymph nodes round both the left and right breast and the axillary area as well as the side of the torso. That which I thought to be special or exclusive quickly overgrew into something much worse than contained. I met several doctors (4 in total and 3 nurses) multiple of times and they never paid attention to how I felt nor my actual symptoms. I was misdiagnosed, so given the wrong instructions and treatment, I could not get the help that I was so desperately seeking. I suffered from severe lymphadenopathy which is in fact- and was at the time a common and established adverse reaction to Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. None of the 4 doctors involved was informed about this as it seems and they weren’t interested in neither my story nor the symptoms shown. It wasn't until December 2023—nearly two years later—that the truth came to light: I actually suffered from T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma, which is highly unusual and aggressive, progressed to stage 4 at the time of discovery. It had also at this time, affected several other areas of my body, lung, spleen etcetera. The tumor burden was extensive with several unusually large ones.
Medical Malpractice
Indeed, at this crucial time, I had a number of medical mishaps. They overlooked my symptoms, instead of being quick to diagnose my cancer when I complained. About the enlarged nodes which I observed they were encouraging, saying it was due to several other conditions not related to the current situation. Furthermore, the tumors were only established after an initial MT scan for escalating back pain and severe nerve pain- conducted at last. But that was not the only negative aspect, as it took them that long to realize that I have cancer- by the time it was diagnosed, the cancer had advanced to such a stage that it had affected several other parts of my body so badly that my chances of getting cured became slimmer. I guess this devastating end could have been realized, if there had been proper management of our actual concerns. The first doctor was on to the right track but due to unprofessional and unfortunate lack of continuity, it was never investigated properly.
The Link to the Vaccine: Seeking Accountability
More to my concern, I am very much certain that the lymphoma developed in me, was in fact because of an immune response to the COVID 19 vaccine. This belief emanates from when I started experiencing the symptoms and precipitates health challenges I encountered. You can also find this correlation already in current medical and scientific literature. Also the infection, caused by immune response and the lymphadenopathy itself is the most common factor in my type of diagnose. However, the evidence is not enough. They also can in fact establish the link between my symptoms during these seven months and my specific cancer diagnosis, to cell clonality seen in laboratory. That is why I am trying to connect with a lawyer currently to make this link firmly established and fight for myself and the medical malpractice resulting in the late diagnosis. It is a hard battle in a way but I am really committed to take my chance to demand justice and make sure no one else have to go through the same.
Why I Need Your Help
It is very expensive, and a person can be emotionally drained up by the time they are through with the legal process. All in all costs of lawyer’s fees, expert witnesses and all other incidental expenses are exorbitant. I’m therefore kindly appealing to you for contribution towards meeting these expenses. Each penny saved or donated will eventually get me closer to justice, awareness, and to ensure it does not happen to others. Your generosity can actually go a long way in this battle.
How the Funds Will Be Used
Donations collected from this GoFundMe page will go towards my legal fees such as attorney’s fees, costs of litigations, and expert witnesses. I also would spend some of the money to increase public awareness about possible ill effects that may arise after receiving the vaccine and to make the doctors and other healthcare service providers do something about such complaints. Each dollar received will only be spent to seek justice for the victims and make those individuals pay for what they did.
I personally know the trauma of this cause.
I personally and painfully have experienced all aspects of this journey. I’ve seen how my life has been altered for the worse as far as cancer is concerned and I too have felt being neglected by the very people who are supposed to attend to me. As far as I am concerned this injustice should not go without the appropriate retribution. I am fighting for other individuals out there grappling with a similar situation hoping to find a ray of hope as I do it.
Thank You for Your Support
At the end of the day, I am so glad that you have again given your time, to read my story. Your contribution to fund this campaign however small or just a word of encouragement, means a lot to me. Together we can create an awareness, go after those who have caused this and ideally try to stop further disasters due to medical malpractice. I want to cherish you for your intention of donating to my Campaign. With your help we can bring a positive change.
You can read the initial story, how my symptoms occurred just a few days after the administration below.
The mistreatment story
After the second vaccine shot, in January 2022, against Covid (Comirnaty), my lymph nodes on the left side swelled up—next to the breast and up towards the armpit. This happened very quickly, and after a few days, I had—almost overnight—5-6 golf/tennis ball-sized nodes on one side. I noticed it one morning while brushing my teeth and was surprised at how unusually large they were. I had read that lymph nodes could swell from the vaccine, and I am not the type to worry, so since I had so much work to do, I let it be.
After about 2-3 weeks, a couple of them began to "inflame," the area on the side of the torso expanded and became larger in circumference and less clearly defined as "lumps" The area, so to speak, was expanding more and more. It might seem strange that I didn’t visit the health care clinic at this time but I’m use to fighting my own battles and usually everything takes care of itself. I’m also normally extremely busy and at the time I was a single mom. I just prayed for quick recovery during these weeks. After a few more weeks, the inflammation was quite extensive, from the beginning of the chest and significantly in the axillary area.
I thought, "What is this?" and tried to gently squeeze out pus/fluid, primarily from the armpit, this as I was trying to make some sense about the situation- which caused the infection to spread more and more to the upper arm, but it feels like that might have been a coincidence rather than caused by the squeezing. To clarify I didn’t squeeze a boil but more the whole side area with my whole hand, trying to feel what was wrong. My upper arm was severely affected and twice as thick in size, swollen with fluid. It would be fair to say that the area under my skin was filled with fluid- probably lymphatic fluid mixed with some kind of suppuration. This due to nodes, overproducing or something.
I was very sick with a high fever, almost delirious for a few days, and I thought that there must be a rupture/an opening so that the "infected fluid" could come out. It was excruciatingly painful, and I almost went to the emergency room on the Saturday night of that week.
On Sunday morning, there was a small opening, and I felt on the way to the bathroom how warm fluid dripped onto my hip from the armpit. I sat in the shower and gently squeezed around the armpit, which released fluid. This was kind of white and quite low viscosity, somewhat like milk actually.
I contacted the health center on Monday and briefly explained the situation to the nurse who books appointments—I was very worried, and it hurt terribly. It felt like the skin was burnt because it was so swollen. I first met the district nurse as I assume that is the routine for this type of problem. I explained briefly, but the focus was on the present moment since it hurt so much. Then she went to get a doctor (not my general practitioner for my area) because she thought further examination was needed. This as she was quite surprised and didn’t recognise the phenomenon at all.
He ordered a blood sample, unfortunately only for CRP in general, and told me that if I got a fever again, I should go to the emergency room and that "we need to keep an eye on this" with thorough follow-up. The blood test index showed quite clearly that something was wrong.
Doctor was quite concerned.
The nurses were very surprised as they had never seen anything like it, and we speculated about other cases of ingrown hairs, abscesses, and similar issues (at least one of them talked about experiences with other patients and previous similar experiences while I was there over 3 weeks), but I knew that abscesses were not like this. Moreover, it all started with swollen and abnormally large lymph nodes. They drained at least 5 dl (500 ml) of fluid by squeezing, both from the torso and up towards the opening in the armpit, as well as from the upper arm and down towards the opening, and bandaged me up. An important factor is that the openings on the skin had occurred from excessive fluid under the skin and it was nothing at all like popping a boil. I continued to visit the health center every second or third day for about 3 weeks to continue draining and bandaging with the nurses. Later, I had a follow-up visit with my general practitioner who examined my breasts and found them normal. He then asked if they had taken samples of the fluid. But they hadn't. He thought it was okay, though still swollen, and found my description unusual. He hadn't been there the first time and didn't see how it looked, etc. There continued to be "hardened areas" but no infection or fever. The hardened area is documented. I had also received antibiotics from the first doctor, which worked well and helped to expel the fluid from the body. I was relieved that it was over and that it no longer hurt. Doctor also thought it was good that the worst was over.
In August 2022, it started again, this time on the opposite side- in the right axillary and surrounding area. I recognized the phenomenon very well, how it had started, and I was very worried that it would be like the last time, so I contacted the health center quite quickly because I didn't want to go through the same thing again. I tried to explain both to the nurse who answered the phone and to the doctor I met, who was a third doctor in this context, how it had been last time. Especially since it hadn't progressed as far this time. The doctor’s first comment was: -“hmm but that was the opposite side right? ” when I explained my previous symptoms and experience. The doctor then insisted it might be bacteria from shaving the armpit and advised me to avoid shaving and to maintain good hygiene after shaving. I did not believe it was boils again. I received a type of antibiotic, and the swelling subsided reasonably well. Since it didn't become inflamed, it felt okay anyway. The lumps could still be felt slightly. Enlarged hardened lymph node is documented. This is in fact not only signs of lymphadenopathy but also severe underlying disease.
In October, I experienced the same problem a third time —right side again. I had a fever again, and the nodes became swollen and somewhat inflamed. After a few days, I contacted the health center and got an appointment. The doctor (who came with a student) looked at my armpit; she didn't feel around the inflamed armpit as I recall but quickly and somewhat curtly stated that since I had been there three times in a short time, it was probably acne-related. She mentioned a disease/a condition, but I didn't believe that either this time. Diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa- which manifests differently, obviously. There is a difference between boils and inflamed nodes deep in the skin. The first time, I had an infection area from the beginning of the chest at the stomach—all the way up to the beginning of the upper arm! It was utterly insane. She prescribed the same type of antibiotic as the first time and said that if I needed help with dressing the wound, I should get in touch. I bought a dressing kit that we used the first time and drained my nodes at home. I have never had problems with acne/boils, and I never used the ointment she prescribed.
she wrote in my journal (unfortunately discovered when it was too late already) that I had suffered from acne break outs twice before and that she noticed a suspected inch sized boil. This is a blatant lie and I have photos of this and how it presented itself.
It has been slightly swollen all the time since then.
After this third reoccurrence I didn't have any more problems of this kind. I had escalating back pain, especially from the fall of 2022, with several bouts of sciatica, which I thought were due to incorrect body posture. This after a knee injury jumping off the motorcycle. That doesn't really belong to the misdiagnosis, but rather it indicates that my cancer was spreading very quickly.
When they finally saw the cancer on a MT scan in December 2023, with large tumors in these areas where I previously had swollen and inflamed lymph nodes (and elsewhere around them), it suddenly all made sense, and I knew immediately, even before I got my diagnosis, exactly what it was.
I then looked in the records Health Center (before, I didn't know that was possible as I had never needed to or been a patient in this way before). There I see what each person wrote, which I have referred to before. They obviously neglected and did not listen to what I said.
Last doctor obviously missed the actual causes of my primary visit and also the actual situation last time. Had I known that my symptoms would lead to the diagnosis I received, I would have, of course, fought harder for my case, but I didn't think that way at the time.
I never had any boils, which they wrongly treated me for and diagnosed. My immune system and defenses went haywire after the second vaccine shot. It triggered a process, and my immune system couldn't handle the vaccine. I should have received antihistamines or something similar instead, which would have helped to stop and address what happened. My T-cells were completely numbed and did not recover as they should have. They also refer to these infections when explaining the T-cell clonality seen in laboratory studies. The vaccine knocked out my immune system. An immunologist and possibly a hematologist must have understood this already back then if I had been referred further—if they had considered what I was actually describing and the abnormal lymph nodes that were extremely stressed! I should have been sent for an ultrasound, X-ray, had tests taken, been given antihistamins and so on and so forth. Also lymphadenopathy is wide known and an established side effect, documented in package leaflet of Comirnaty. All 4 doctors involved committed a serious service error neglecting these severe medical symptoms and further more, on the link between vaccine and severe illness like rapid cancer development, there is quite a few cases shown in studies and literature already


Linda Soderholm
Frösön, Z, Sweden, Z