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Daughters of Richard Stayskal Family Fund

Donazione protetta

Please help the daughters of Sgt 1st Class Richard Stayskal, Green Beret, Purple Heart recipient, soldier, hero.  During one of many tours in combat, Richard was shot in his lung in Iraq in 2004.  Richard now has stage four terminal cancer after being misdiagnosed.  Richard is still with us fighting for his life, but his case has inspired nationally-known Attorney Natalie Khawam from the Whistleblower Law Firm and many volunteers to work to pass a law to create an exception to the Feres Doctrine.  The Feres Doctrine prevents soldiers from getting a recovery when they are the victims of malpractice.  The bill, if passed, would officially amend the Federal Tort Claims Act to allow claims for soldiers injured or killed due to the medical malpractice by military hospitals.   All of that, however, will likely come too late for Richard.  Richard's dream is to help create a small safety net for his daughters.  Will you help?  Please contribute now.  Even small amounts.

Learn About Richard and Track Our Progress 

Sign Our Change.Org Petition 

More about Natalie Khawam 

Here are some of the news stories on Richard: 

‘It’s A Scandal’ — Inside The Fight To Hold The Military Accountable For Medical Malpractice 

Congressman wants law change after military's medical mistake 

Green Beret in a fight for his life after 'gross negligence and malpractice' at Army hospital



  • Anonima
    • $15
    • 5 yrs

Team di raccolta fondi: Amend Feres (2)

Dakin Ferris
Oakland, CA
Megan Stayskal
Daniel Maharaj
Team member

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