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Vol Firefighter need a transplant to live

Doação protegida
Tim Pike, a 30 year vol firefighter needs a kidney transplant to live.  He spent  a year in and out of intensive care units and was intubated many times and often  his wife Kimberly didn't know if he'd be there in the morning.  

While Tim was in intensive care, Kim was trying to keep their son Clayton alive.  He suffered a broken neck while jumping in the snow and was immediately quadriplegic.  Surgeons at Buffalo's Children's Hospital saved his life.  After years of rehabilitation and hard work Clay has come a long way. He won't be 100% but he has the use of his limbs and looks like a normal kid. 

But his father Tim, is in Stage 5 kidney failure and needs to find a A-positive living donor who will donate a kidney.   Only a kidney transplant can save Tim's life. 

For 30 years Tim was a volunteer firefighter.  When the alarm sounded Tim went to help strangers and neighbors in need.  Now he needs your help to live.  When the Pike's find a donor they will need to relocate for weeks (or months) to the donor's locale for the transplant and rehabilitation .   That is very expensive.  Please give what you can.  For those who have already given, thank  you, thank you, thank you.  For those who cannot donate, kindly share this post, 



Organizador e beneficiário

Clay Blasdel
Derby, NY
Kimberly Catalano-Pike

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