Tiana's Medical Expenses
Donation protected

I Am....Tiana Smith
I am Tiana Smith. I am 16 years old, the middle child of two very loving parents. I have an older sister, and a younger brother. I am a high school junior, honor student, Jr. Debutante, cheerleader, and a soccer player. I like outdoor activities.
I am outgoing and engaging. I am smart, and I am curious. My family knows me as talkative, funny, and caring. My friends know me as energetic and fun to be around.
I define "fashionable" by my own standards. I walk by my own rhythm. In all these ways, I am your typical American girl.
However, I am now contending with some very atypical circumstances. I have been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. It has changed my perspective on my immediate future, and has re-defined my reality. I am no longer your typical American girl.
I am now: more than your typical American girl. I face challenges that most others do not have.However:
I am: on the path of recovery"”I claim that, even at the beginning of this healing journey.
I am: an example to others dealing with similar circumstances. I know the power of faith and positive thinking.
I am: more superior than a medical statistic. The healthcare industry will marvel at my progress.
I am:a testimony. In order to inspire others, you must have a story to tell. This is mine.
I am strong. I am brave. I am hopeful.
And yet:
I, like so many others, need you as well. I need your support.
I need to know that you are there. I need you to speak healing into my world, to include me in your prayers. I need you to remember my family; they will need strength as well. We are all in this together.
I need you to stand in the gap for me, on days when I may get discouraged.
Be my words of hope when I am too weak to speak them for myself.
Be my song of praise when I am too tired to sing it.
Be my laughter.
Be my smile.
Be my champions.
Be my friend, as I am yours.
I am: Tiana Smith. A Living Testimony.
Leave your messages here. At the end of this journey, when I am all healed: this will be our proof:that even from the beginning: we knew God controlled the outcome.
Adenika Smith
Decatur, GA