Paying tribute to Jose Carlos Orellana
Donation protected
Con gran tristeza, un padre y esposo amoroso, José Carlos Orellana, falleció el 20 de junio de 2020 a las 6:20 pm como resultado de una insuficiencia cardíaca. Trabajó muy duro para mantener a una familia de 5, incluida su madre ciega. Derramó sangre, sudor y lágrimas para proporcionar de cualquier manera que pudiera a su familia. Incluso si eso significaba dejarlo sin nada porque sabía que el dinero va y viene. Carlos fue un donante radical y se convirtió en una figura paterna para muchos. Dándole a sus hijos el mejor ejemplo que pudo, aunque creció sin un padre. Nos mostró amor incondicional y una compasión increíble. Usó su carisma y humor para asegurarse de que las personas a su alrededor siempre sonrieran y se divirtieran. Su gran energía trajo amor y vida a las personas, su fortaleza mental nos ayudó a desarrollar una fortaleza mental y estas fueron solo pequeñas cosas que nos bendijo con ese dinero que no podemos comprar. También, enseñando a sus hijos a vivir una vida honorable y amando a los demás incondicionalmente. Estamos muy agradecidos de haber pasado ese tiempo con él. Carlos Orellana está dejando a cuatro hijos, su esposa y su madre ciega. Nuestro padre era un hombre muy trabajador que nunca exploró sus propias pasiones, porque sus únicos sueños había sido proberar para su familia.
Es lo que hizo nuestro padre y mucho mas. El impacto de su pérdida lo sienten cientos de personas en todo el mundo. Nuestro mundo existe debido a lo que usted proporcionó y estamos agradecidos por nuestro padre, pero estamos profundamente tristes por su repentina muerte.
Con todo el dolor emocional y la angustia que trae la muerte, también trae cargas financieras y en medio de una pandemia donde nuestra familia se ha visto directamente afectada financieramente, cualquier donación ayudará.
Gracias por considerar y donar a nuestra familia y que Dios los bendiga.
It is with great sadness that a loving father and husband, Jose Carlos Orellana, passed away on June 20th, 2020, at 6:20 pm as a result of heart failure. He worked extremely hard to support a family of 5, including his blind mother. He shed blood, sweat, and tears to provide in any way he could for his family. Sometimes that meant leaving him with nothing because he knew that money came and went. Carlos was a radical giver and became a father figure to many. Giving his children the best example he could, although he grew up without a father. He showed us unconditional love and incredible compassion. He used his charisma and humor to ensure the people around him were always smiling and having a good time. His high energy brought love and life to people; his mental fortitude helped us develop mental toughness, and these were just small things that he blessed us with that money can not buy. Also, teaching his sons how to live an honorable life and loving others unconditionally. We are so very thankful to have spent that time with him. Carlos Orellana is leaving behind four sons, his wife and his blind mother. Our Dad was a hard-working man who never explored his passions because his only dream had been that we were provided for. Which our Dad did, and much more, the impact of his loss is felt by hundreds of people across the world. Our world exists because of what he provided, and we are grateful for our Dad.
With all of the emotional pain and distress that death brings, it also brings financial burdens, and during a pandemic where our family has been directly affected financially, any donation will help.
Thank you for paying tribute to Jose Carlos Orellana, and God bless.
It is with great sadness that a loving father and husband, Jose Carlos Orellana, passed away on June 20th, 2020, at 6:20 pm as a result of heart failure. He worked extremely hard to support a family of 5, including his blind mother. He shed blood, sweat, and tears to provide in any way he could for his family. Sometimes that meant leaving him with nothing because he knew that money came and went. Carlos was a radical giver and became a father figure to many. Giving his children the best example he could, although he grew up without a father. He showed us unconditional love and incredible compassion. He used his charisma and humor to ensure the people around him were always smiling and having a good time. His high energy brought love and life to people; his mental fortitude helped us develop mental toughness, and these were just small things that he blessed us with that money can not buy. Also, teaching his sons how to live an honorable life and loving others unconditionally. We are so very thankful to have spent that time with him. Carlos Orellana is leaving behind four sons, his wife and his blind mother. Our Dad was a hard-working man who never explored his passions because his only dream had been that we were provided for. Which our Dad did, and much more, the impact of his loss is felt by hundreds of people across the world. Our world exists because of what he provided, and we are grateful for our Dad.
With all of the emotional pain and distress that death brings, it also brings financial burdens, and during a pandemic where our family has been directly affected financially, any donation will help.
Thank you for paying tribute to Jose Carlos Orellana, and God bless.
Fundraising team: Orellana Family (4)
Christian Orellana
Irving, TX
Giovani Orellana
Team member
Kevin Orellana
Team member
Juan Orellana
Team member