UXmatters Fundraiser
Donation protected
UXmatters: The Source for Great Content on User Experience
Campaign launched on October 21, 2017.
To continue our mission of promoting great UX design and creating a better world for everyone who uses digital products, UXmatters needs your help! Is User Experience your passion, too? Then, join us in creating this great resource for UX professionals!
Publishing UXmatters has been a labor of love for Founder, Publisher, and Editor in Chief, Pabini Gabriel-Petit. Over the past 12 years, UXmatters has published 1,227 articles by 385 authors from 32 countries on all things User Experience. UXmatters reliably publishes two new editions—each comprising five articles—every month. In fact, UXmatters publishes more content on User Experience than any other magazine on the Web! If you’re a UX professional, we’re sure you’ll find our content valuable in your work.
Given the current state of display advertising revenues for magazines, UXmatters generates no profit. While our limited advertising revenue covers the costs of Web hosting and the software services that are necessary to keep UXmatters running, it does not stretch to development costs. To meet the demands of our audience, we launched our new responsive Web design in June 2016, after a costly two-year development effort. Since then, we've continued to improve the site. To date, I have personally covered all out-of-pocket development costs.
Now, the UXmatters team is reaching out to you—one of the more than 2 million people who regularly read UXmatters and have benefited from the magazine over the years—for support. For yourself or on behalf of your organization, please contribute to this fundraiser and empower UXmatters to continue delivering free, trendsetting, innovative, enlightening content to inform the world-wide UX community and educate the next generation of UX professionals.
If you haven’t yet visited UXmatters this month, check out our home page. Our All-Time Top 25 Articles show the diversity of our content.
UXmatters needs your support. Any donation is welcome. Please donate whatever amount you can to help us keep growing the best collection of User Experience content on the Web. Thanks, in advance, for whatever help you can provide!
Rewards and Stretch Goals
For the reward levels that include sponsorships, you’ll find complete details about what you’ll receive at the various sponsorship levels on UXmatters.
Once donations exceed $20,000, we’ll add a new Insights & Inspirations blog to our site, enabling us to deliver new content by many of our UXmatters authors to you almost daily.
If donations exceed $30,000, we’ll expand our glossary to include definitions of all the UX roles in the infographic on our home page and more.
If donations exceed $50,000, we’ll add a new UX Books section to our site, comprising information about great books on all topics relating to User Experience.
Endorsements of UXmatters
“Publishing an article is admirable. Publishing an issue of a magazine is impressive. But publishing a magazine over the long haul—as UXmatters has done—well, that is truly remarkable. I'm not sure how they've managed it, but Pabini and her team have served consistently high-quality content to the UX community for 12 years. We're all the better for it, and we should all do what it takes to ensure that UXmatters will be there for us over the coming decade.”—Louis Rosenfeld, Publisher at Rosenfeld Media and author of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web and Search Analytics for Your Site
“UXmatters is an essential resource for every UX designer. Its regular features have helped thousands of folks in our community strengthen their skills and produce better products and services. At the center of that effort has been the selfless Pabini Gabriel-Petit, who has given her time, energy, and soul to making UXmatters what it is today. Now she needs our help. We need to pay back to her just a small bit to show our appreciation of everything she’s done for us. Please join me in helping Pabini.”—Jared Spool, Founder, CEO, and UI Conference Chair at UIE and author of Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks That Work
“As the world rushes toward its hand-held, internetworked, ubiquitous computing future, dominance in the software world shifts from technologists to those who can deliver technology to humans. That’s the role of the designer. Each UXmatters writer is an experienced deliverer-of-design and possesses the skills to communicate their valuable methods and insights. What they say is relevant not only because it is perceptive, useful, and correct, but because, more and more, the user experience matters.”—Alan Cooper, Founder and Co-Chairman of Cooper and author of About Face and The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
“For 12 years, UXmatters has been one of the most important publications for user-experience professionals. It features superb articles by top practitioners, and I am astounded by how much it has taught me over the years. The design community needs this magazine. The business community needs it, too—although they are probably unaware of its existence—and the general public can learn a lot as well. We have reached a stage when it is vital that everyone should understand the importance of User Experience—not just a few technologists and designers.”—Eric Reiss, CEO of FatDUX Copenhagen and The FatDUX Group and author of Usable Usability
“UXmatters is a top content destination for design and User Experience. The magazine provides leading-edge thinking, perspectives, and case studies from an accomplished and international list of practitioners. UXmatters provides relevant perspectives on the latest, on-the-pulse trends in User Experience, making the magazine a first point of call for UX research, strategy, and design practitioners who are looking to keep up to date or learn new thinking to keep apace with a fast-moving, volatile digital world.”—Simon Norris, Founder & CEO of Nomensa and Organizer of Interact London and Collaborate Bristol
“UXmatters has been my go-to source for understanding the state of the user experience industry for over a decade. Pabini and crew have dedicated themselves to taking the UX pulse and serving up content that meets the needs of a broad range of UX strategy, design, and research professionals. UXmatters has been an excellent media partner for UX STRAT since our inception in 2013. It’s important to keep resources like UXmatters alive and thriving.”—Paul Bryan, UX STRAT Organizer
Pabini Gabriel-Petit
San Jose, CA