Urgent Relief For Israeli Families Under Attack
Tax deductible
Early at 6:30am, on a holiday Saturday morning, reminiscent of Yom Kippur, 1973, Israeli citizens woke up to the sound of missiles striking and a devastating coordinated attack from Hamas militants originating from the Gaza strip. This assault targeted civilians — entire families, young children, and even infants.
As of this time, over 1,300 lives have been tragically lost, with thousands of people injured. The situation remains dire, with ongoing threats, numerous children missing, and countless families seeking shelter. Parents are frantically looking for their children, who took part in a holiday rock concert.
We are uniting to show solidarity for the people of Israel, and support those in need. We join hands to support those in Southern Israel with a long process back to normalcy.
What Projects We Are Supporting:
This fundraiser is dedicated to swiftly providing essential relief to those effected by these dire circumstances. The organization is providing support for the following projects:
- Post-Trauma psycho-social support for affected individuals and families and supporting service providers, including displaced families from Shderot and the south;
- Provisioning essential items for displaced families, including small appliances, for displaced Kibbutz members;
- Acquiring crucial medical supplies for those in need;
- Supplying games for children;
- Essential supplies, clothing and food for displaced families.
In the poignant words of Secretary of State Blinken: "We stand in solidarity with the government and people of Israel." Now, more than ever, is the time to showcase our collective support.
Please note: This campaign is organized by AID Coalition. We will distribute the money to organizations and families in need.
Every donation, big or small, will make a difference.
Jonathan Barsade
Lower Merion Township, PA
America-Israel Democracy Coalition