From crises to hop :Help Mona and her family survive
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Welcome my friends .
Greetings from the bottom of my heart
Note1: My Instagram account is monaa__e98, Click on My Instagram link
my friend in America is the one who create the link for me.
Note2: I have helped many people and I still do, today I am asking for your help, it seems difficult for me, but I am forced to do it, I have no other choice.
In fact, I don't know where to start and how to write my words, I know that you may have gotten bored of seeing gofundme campaigns for the people of my country , but excuse us, we have no other way but this to survive, to rebuild our dreams.
I am Mona Abu Hamda, I turned 26 years old in April of the war, I feel as if I have grown many years in one year, I used to live in the city of Khan Yunis, I live with my family in a house that I own and not rent,
our days were full of tenderness and warmth,But our lives changed in the blink of an eye. , we have become displaced and homeless, we may die at any moment.
Living here is not an easy matter, here survival is an unknown matter, displacement daily, sleeping for continuous hours is a luxury, owning your home without destroying it is an impossible wish.
My goal in creating the link is not to become rich, but rather an attempt to rebuild our dreams that were destroyed, despite everything we still hold on to hope and yearn for a new future.
My goal in creating the link is
- Completing my brothers' education
my brother Alaa is 22 years old. He was one of the top students in his class at Palestine University. He was supposed to graduate this month, but everything stop, even life stop

My younger brother is 13 years old, his name is Ahmed. He is an excellent and smart person. I don't want him to waste his life without completing his studies when we leave to other country .

- An attempt to start our lives again because in this war we spent everything we had, we lost our jobs, I am trying to collect the necessary costs for the first three months when we travel because we will be without work.
I ask you to support my campaign on the widest scale,Your donation will be a new hope for us,Don't underestimate any amount you can give me, even if it is small.
I try as much as I can to spread my gofundme link despite the bad internet speed.
As for me, I was working in a company in the field of digital marketing, sales . I receive a good salary, and I had started learning a specialized field in digital marketing, which is SEO, but the war came and I lost my job, I lost my salary, I lost my passion. I never realized that life changes in a second, I became homeless.



I left my house without taking anything with me, my family and I slept one night in January in the street because we couldn't find a place.
We were displaced from my beautiful city Khan Yunis to Rafah for five months and then to Mawasi Khan Yunis.

Here are pictures of our life

My mother got hepatitis, of course this is not strange due to the spread of pollution and sewage.

The prices are very imaginary,imagine taking a shower once every two weeks and being considered lucky if you were able to do that.
our displacement:
Perhaps when you hear this word, it may come to your mind that we go to live in another safer house that has all the basic needs of water, electricity, a kitchen, a place to sleep, etc.
In fact, you are lucky if you find a small room where you and your family live and its rent is high, the minimum rent is $200, and this amount is not small for us in light of the high prices and we have become unemployed.
Displacement is a psychological and mental drain, imagine becoming displaced in your country?!

- 16/1/2024
on January 16 at 10 pm, we were displaced from our house in Khan Yunis. The weather was very cold, from sunset around 7 pm until 10 pm. The sound of the violent sh**elling did not stop , we were surprised by our neighbor shouting loudly, run, run, run, I even forgot to take my ID, passport, and official documents.We were not alone, the entire neighborhood and neighboring areas and the displaced people in the schools next to us left, then we reached Al-Aqsa University.
There was no longer a place, I swear to you that we slept next to the bathroom entrance on the tiles and we did not have any blankets, it was a night like a
nightmare! Before this hard night, we lived from December 4th to January 16th, terrifying moments
- 17/1/2024
Early in the morning the displacement journey began that has not ended until this moment ,We went to my aunt's house in Rafah near the Egyptian border, we were nine people in a small room, There were very difficult days, there was no privacy, the high prices of obscene, in this period of thinking I lost 8 kilos of weight.

- 6/2/2024
In this day, a new age has been written for us, a b*ombing happened next to us, and my family and I were looking through the window and suddenly I saw a red color and an explosion, and then I heard the sound.
We started screaming until this moment when I remember the scene, I am terrified
The situation calmed down again for two hours, and then return terrifying
We had to sleep somewhere else, and then decided to find another place.
- 9/2/2024

We displaced to another place, this time in a tent in the middle of the city of Rafah, the first night I slept in the tent, I felt as if I was sleeping in the street, a very small tent, and we numbered 9 people. We used to live in a house and now a very small tent, It seems difficult at first, but we have no alternative
- 30/2/2024

Then we rented this place in the center of the city of Rafah, better than the tent anyway, especially in light of the high temperatures. We were 10 people in this room.My grandmother, my mother, my mother, my father ) (My brothers and us)
The problem we encountered are water scarcity, I remember one time we sat for 6 days without water, it was a bitter experience.
- 6/5/2024

we displaced to mawasi Khanyounis ,We are back in a tent again.
our story of displacement has not ended, but we all hope that we will start our lives again through your donations
How can you help us
- Donate even a little, every amount will give us hope to start over this dark nightmare we live in.
- Sharing, anyone can help us even if they don't donate, help us share our story on social media platforms, I really don't have much time to post my campaign because I don't have the internet, I connect the internet with great difficulty and be very weak, and be busy Helping people, so your support is very important to me
- Print our campaign with papers with my campaign code and distribute it in the streets and paste it on the walls, an excellent step to publish the details of my campaign
There are many details, but I don't want to bore you. You can see more details of our lives on my instagram , and I will write you all that is new in the eternity field.
- Additional details
There are details that haven't been reported on the news, but I'm sure they've crossed your mind
Some of you may be asking me
1_ how often we shower?
I can tell you maybe once a week and we are lucky if we can do that (there is no large amount of water and if there is it is used for the most important necessities)
Knowing that currently there is no shampoo and soap and if there is it is very expensive ($60) , its price before war was 15 shekels ($5) .
2_ How do I charge my phone and electricity is not available ?

I charge my phone using solar energy for a fee ,Have you ever imagined that you would walk half an hour to reach a place that looks like a warehouse and put your phone to charge it? And maybe it would be stolen .
Here are some pictures of our reality
I miss everything, will we return? Will my smile return to us?
Note: My internet is very bad, its speed is zero, I connect by purchasing an internet card for 4 hours.
3_ How do we bake?

We bake on the fire, because the gas runs out, it is very tiring, instead of preparing the food in a quarter of an hour, we need to wait at least 3 hours, and collect as much cardboard and wood as possible
4_ How do we wash?
We wash by hand because there is no electricity.

In fact, my 50-year-old mother is the heroine of my story. She is the one who endured everything in order to make things easier for us. She is the one who has been tired since the beginning of the nightmare until this day. She bakes, cooks, and washes by hand. I hope to collect donations to compensate her a little for the fatigue she has seen and the sadness we have lived together.
- Contact way
You can contact me on
- WhatsApp, Click in the link
- My Instagram. Click on the link
I love you all and I will be strong for my future family.
Thank you to everyone who read our story.
Best regrads
Mona Abu Hamda
Organizer and beneficiary
muna abo hamda
Cleveland, OH

Basmal Ali