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We Care Charitable Foundation

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As you all know, the past 10 months have been incredibly challenging and scary for humanity. Covid -19 has hit our world hard and has forced us to change our way of living and socializing. As we get accustomed to this new normal, let us not forget about our brothers and sisters in Grand Boulage, Haiti.

As of today, “We Care Charitable Foundation”team is pleased to say that no one in the village of Grand Boulage has contracted the deadly virus. This is truly a blessing. We hope and pray that this blessing continues.
The children are currently back in school finishing up their 2019-2020 school year and will start the 2020-2021 new school year in October

Students in Grand Boulage depend on your generous support in order to attend school and attain a higher level of education. as they will be starting the new academic school year the first week of October.  As the saying goes, “Education is the key to success” and every donation made to “We Care Charitable Foundation” will go towards securing a better future of these children.  

 The total cost for one year of tuition, books, and uniform per child is $250.00 (US). In addition, the total cost for the hot lunch program is $75.00 (US).
To sponsor a child or children for the 2020-2021 school year. You can donate to our GoFundMe page. GoFundMe/We Care Charitable Foundation.
 I whole-heartedly appreciate your donation and the young scholars of Grand Boulage will as well.


Rolande Surpris
Chicago, IL

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