Tess Fowler Cancer Relief Fund
Folks, cancer is an asshole. It takes and takes and takes and takes.
We've all had someone we love affected by the disease, and now it is at our very doorstep.
And if you didn't know: Tess Fowler has cancer.
Tess doesn't just draw stories about heroes: She is one. She would give the shirt off her back and has given the books off her shelves for friends in need countless times. And now she needs our help.
The Heavy Stuff:
HER2-positive breast cancer is a type of breast cancer in which breast cancer cells have a protein receptor called HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2). Normally, this protein helps breast cells grow, divide, and repair themselves. But sometimes, something goes wrong in the gene that controls the HER2 protein and your body creates too many of these receptors. As a result, your breast cells grow and divide uncontrollably. About 1 of 5 of breast cancers are HER2-positive. HER2-positive breast cancer is a more aggressive type of breast cancer compared with HER2-negative types.
The Heaviest Stuff:
Tess (and Chris, her husband and right hand man) are staring down FOUR months of chemo, then surgery to have a double mastectomy, then THREE more months of chemo followed by another surgery for a hysterectomy. That's a rough road to walk, but Tess will do it with Chris by her side.
What we can do:
Between rounds of chemo it is proving difficult to impossible for either Tess or Chris to work steadily, that's where we come in. Their monthly overhead is roughly $4,000 a month. As you saw above, they have seven months of treatment to endure, but every $4,000 raised is 30 days where money isn't a problem they have to solve. They have enough to deal with already.
So please do donate whatever you can, and please signal boost. Literally every single dollar helps.
Thank you.