We Are Gyumri Shirvanian Youth Center &Scholarship
Tax deductible
The mission of “We Are Gyumri” is to create a positive and lasting impact on youth in Gyumri, Armenia.
Recent successes include:
The restructuring and renovation of the Shirvanian Youth Center in Gyumri that had been destroyed during the 1988 Spitak earthquake. The Youth Center had served as the site for AYF Youth Corps day camps and now holds AYF Juniors activities, Homenetmen activities and other community events. Over the past 4 years, the number of youth, who benefit from the Center, has grown dramatically from an estimated 100 kids in 2016 to over 500 kids in 2019. The Center recently celebrated its 4th birthday! The video above was made in Armenia by the Center's volunteers and staff.
A year-round educational program at the center to teach youth in Gyumri everyday skills, to provide them with the essentials they need for a brighter future.
The Mina Shirvanian Scholarship Fund that residents of the Shirak Province to pursue their undergraduate education in their native region. Each year, the scholarship fund grants up to $3,000 to students to help complete their education at Gyumri universities. Scholarship recipients are selected through an application process that includes interviews, as well as questionnaires about the students’ field of study, personal achievements, their decision to pursue their education in the Shirak province, volunteer experience, grade point average, family circumstances, and military service and background.
But we can't do it without your support! All proceeds from this campaign will go directly to maintaining the Youth Center and its staff, as well as the scholarship fund. We know that these are trying times for many individuals and families - but we also know that we must keep hope alive for the future. We hope that those who are able to contribute consider doing so to help us maintain the future of our homeland together.
Donors at the specified levels will receive the following items, all made by the Youth Center's participants, staff, and scholarship recipients in Armenia.
$100: a digital poster highlighting the Youth Center's activities.
$250: a personalized letter and photo from one of the children who participates in the Youth Center's educational, cultural, or athletic programs, as well as the $100 reward.
$500: a personalized video from a Youth Center participant, as well as the $100 and $250 rewards.
$750: a personalized letter and thank you note from a scholarship recipient whose full tuition for the academic year will be funded by these generous donors, as well as the $100 and $250, and $500 rewards.

We Are Gyumri Campaign
Glendale, CA
ACF Western USA, Inc.