A Big Tip for an Everyday Hero
On July 5th in a restaurant in Carmel Valley, California, one customer made several racist remarks to a family attempting to enjoy their aunt’s birthday at a table across from him. When the victims of the insults began recording him, he continued his verbal attack, repeating his racist remarks, and telling them to leave the restaurant.
Video of the Event
As much as it’s satisfying to drag the man who who did this to that family, it’s even more satisfying when we lift up the people who stand up to defend those who are on the receiving end of such racism. In this case, that person is this server/yoga instructor Gennica Cochran. She spoke out with a passionate fury against this man, possibly putting her job on the line amidst an economic crisis in order to fight back against just a taste of the racism that is running rampant in our country.
We are raising money for Gennica, 100% of which will go to her directly. We want to show our appreciation for the everyday heroes that are doing what they can to make the world a better place for those who deal with racism in all forms on a near daily basis.
Thank you Gennica and let’s all keep fighting the good fight!