A Film on the Power of Women & Love
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Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Women Forward International's film, THE HOUR, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
Afghanistan has been dubbed “the most dangerous place in world to be a woman”.
Since the latest takeover by the Taliban of Afghanistan, women have
been at the forefront of demonstrations shouting for their rights.
Opinions vary regarding speaking with the Taliban about
equality, women’s rights, justice and peace.
One brave young woman, Masuda Sultan, believes that the only
way forward is to engage with the Taliban.
We are currently in production on a documentary about this courageous
young woman and others who have devoted themselves to making
the seemingly impossible, possible. Things are changing
everyday and your SUPPORT BIG or SMALL is greatly needed to continue
our “boots on the ground” work on this critical human rights story that
has dropped from the world headlines.
Most Afghans are unemployed, people are starving, and the Taliban
want nothing more than to be recognized as a member of the
international community and this will not happen until they
respect women’s rights. SUPPORT the courageous Afghan women
who are fighting for their rights - and human rights by helping us
tell their story!
Women Forward International (WFI) documented the unique and inspiring journey of Masuda Sultan, an Afghan-born and American-raised entrepreneur and human rights activist as she traveled to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to campaign for women and girl's education in March 2022, using the WFI supported Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security "Islam and Negotiation Action Guide for Muslim Women." This was unique and rare access: Since the collapse of the Afghan government in August 2021, access for independent film crews in Afghanistan has been extremely difficult. The shoot followed Masuda from New York to Doha, Qatar, where the Taliban maintains a political office. Masuda was involved in peace talks with the Taliban in 2019 - a life changing experience that forced her to face her own prejudice, judgments and bias. Women Forward International then followed her to Afghanistan, a trip that was fraught with uncertainty. Masuda had previously worked as a consultant to the Finance Ministry of the US-backed government, marking her as a potential collaborator in the eyes of the Taliban. And, as the founder of Women For Afghan Women, the largest women's organization in Afghanistan, Masuda and the team collected important testimony from vulnerable women who had been left behind after the American military withdrawal. Masuda also met with the Ministry of Education in Kabul, and young girls desperate to return to class. The footage collected shows how Masuda's journey had come full circle: She had first returned to Afghanistan just before the fall of the Taliban in 2001, and she boldly returned to Taliban-run Afghanistan two decades later. Through Masuda's journey the strength and courage of Afghan women is revealed, leaving the viewer feeling hopeful that the power of women will prevail.
Kent Davis-Packard
Washington D.C., DC
Women Forward International