A fund for Andy Stinson
In this year of great community hardships, we have struggled with our own tragedy.
Our rock, tickle-monster, husband, friend, and personal Superman, Andy, has been struggling through his brain tumor. He has fought for years to stay strong and healthy, working on diet, mind, and body... but as 2020 would have it, his cancer spread to a grade 4 and he has lost the abilityto communicate. I know he would love to reach out to all of his colleagues and friends right now, and it is to his great frustration that he is unable to do so at this time. We continue to stay hopeful and fight by his side. Your support, kind words of encouragement, and friendship has been so invaluable to Andy right now, even if he can’t express it himself! During this time of such great uncertainty, we have truly learned the value of community support- thank you for being our community!