A gift for 200 impoverished children
Tax deductible
"Marea Vieții" este o clipă de bucurie pentru aproape 200 de copilași din familii defavorizate, cu vârste între 7 și 16 ani. O parte din ei nu au iesit nici macar din satul natal si nu isi inchipuie cum ar fi o vacanta. Acesti copii provin din familii fara posibilitati materiale, insa rezultatele scolare deosebite trebuie rasplatite si incurajate, ca intr-o buna zi, acesti micuti sa fie piatra de temelie a noii societati.
Tabăra se va desfășura în perioada 10-17 iulie, în Eforie Sud, Tabăra New Paradise. Înainte de plecare, copilașii vor fi echipați cu toate cele necesare (de la pastă de dinți, la îmbrăcăminte, din cap până în picioare). În tabără, copilașii vor avea parte de 3 mese pe zi, ateliere de lucru, dar și multe surprize.
Primele calcule estimative arata ca pentru fiecare copil se vor cheltui in jur la 948ron ($200).
Sprijinim si noi acest proiect si de aceea astazi incepem a primi DONATII de la toti cei care vor sa faca o mare bucurie acestor copilasi.
DONATIILE se pot primi direct la biserica sau online, accesand linkul de gofundme.
Multumim si Dumnezeu sa va rasplateasca!!
"Sea of Life" is a program hoping to bring happiness to about 200 impoverished children between the ages of 7 and 16 by having them participate in a summer camp. Some of these children have never left the town where they were born and don't really know what it means to go on vacation. These children come from families with little financial resources, however, their amazing performance in their studies needs to be rewarded and encouraged as they are society's future. This camp will take place between July 10-17, in Eforie Sud, Tabara New Paradise. Before they leave, the children will be given everything necessary for those days (tooth paste, new clothes from head to toe, etc.). At camp, they will also have three meals every days, various workshops, and many surprises.
The initial calculations estimate that we will need about 948 RON ($225) per child. We will help fund this project, so beginning today, we will be accepting donations from everyone who is willing to help these children.
DONATIONS will be accepted at the church or online from the links below.
Thank you and God bless you!
click here for video: https://www.facebook.com/dan.damaschin.73/videos/2265901513491758/UzpfSTM0ODYzODQzNTM0NTM3OToxMDk4ODAxOTYwMzI5MDE5/?__tn__=kC-R-R&eid=ARDmjwjP6RdYBcaLp1_M93553-Vqh1Uu9FpYrIO9Goa-RGWq1xy4b3VBluViiHyI-0DUysiJxSCSev1J&hc_ref=ARQMMzYN7OJwC1vBVT3S3p9jFOniue7epRDj32VhqTulg5MRN3umwwOfjgho50FtKV4&__xts__[0]=68.ARDn5gQrCR8G-fGH1EuOj0UTzLoOp5TPO7VxW5GI5XxO9N_r65aXBcAr8sN8-jbjEnf13UiIv_1tsLE_hI5g3jTjJwa6swtenwPSjBsOrlHbXnic6vAlw_2EfdLMGv_BRUlHS8cp7_LG0Yrko1RTs5Mg8Yj-c3KqDlXvmVpUym-W7cePmWtDTSnv7jgyPx3CJnVfExwzVQ3S15a4ShQYUhWb-9_egLe5RbfE9KOmZ5ROXo0HLWSUNj7fV1MSSL4f7hHeseMv0nnTfUafhQ_mItzU6z3ukIdr4rgnqk2bttaGrId_1fEblqzJU29VR6fD6Ubs9YrwGQHCjVe7
Tabăra se va desfășura în perioada 10-17 iulie, în Eforie Sud, Tabăra New Paradise. Înainte de plecare, copilașii vor fi echipați cu toate cele necesare (de la pastă de dinți, la îmbrăcăminte, din cap până în picioare). În tabără, copilașii vor avea parte de 3 mese pe zi, ateliere de lucru, dar și multe surprize.
Primele calcule estimative arata ca pentru fiecare copil se vor cheltui in jur la 948ron ($200).
Sprijinim si noi acest proiect si de aceea astazi incepem a primi DONATII de la toti cei care vor sa faca o mare bucurie acestor copilasi.
DONATIILE se pot primi direct la biserica sau online, accesand linkul de gofundme.
Multumim si Dumnezeu sa va rasplateasca!!
"Sea of Life" is a program hoping to bring happiness to about 200 impoverished children between the ages of 7 and 16 by having them participate in a summer camp. Some of these children have never left the town where they were born and don't really know what it means to go on vacation. These children come from families with little financial resources, however, their amazing performance in their studies needs to be rewarded and encouraged as they are society's future. This camp will take place between July 10-17, in Eforie Sud, Tabara New Paradise. Before they leave, the children will be given everything necessary for those days (tooth paste, new clothes from head to toe, etc.). At camp, they will also have three meals every days, various workshops, and many surprises.
The initial calculations estimate that we will need about 948 RON ($225) per child. We will help fund this project, so beginning today, we will be accepting donations from everyone who is willing to help these children.
DONATIONS will be accepted at the church or online from the links below.
Thank you and God bless you!
click here for video: https://www.facebook.com/dan.damaschin.73/videos/2265901513491758/UzpfSTM0ODYzODQzNTM0NTM3OToxMDk4ODAxOTYwMzI5MDE5/?__tn__=kC-R-R&eid=ARDmjwjP6RdYBcaLp1_M93553-Vqh1Uu9FpYrIO9Goa-RGWq1xy4b3VBluViiHyI-0DUysiJxSCSev1J&hc_ref=ARQMMzYN7OJwC1vBVT3S3p9jFOniue7epRDj32VhqTulg5MRN3umwwOfjgho50FtKV4&__xts__[0]=68.ARDn5gQrCR8G-fGH1EuOj0UTzLoOp5TPO7VxW5GI5XxO9N_r65aXBcAr8sN8-jbjEnf13UiIv_1tsLE_hI5g3jTjJwa6swtenwPSjBsOrlHbXnic6vAlw_2EfdLMGv_BRUlHS8cp7_LG0Yrko1RTs5Mg8Yj-c3KqDlXvmVpUym-W7cePmWtDTSnv7jgyPx3CJnVfExwzVQ3S15a4ShQYUhWb-9_egLe5RbfE9KOmZ5ROXo0HLWSUNj7fV1MSSL4f7hHeseMv0nnTfUafhQ_mItzU6z3ukIdr4rgnqk2bttaGrId_1fEblqzJU29VR6fD6Ubs9YrwGQHCjVe7
Gabriel Teofil Ilies
Austin, TX
Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church