"A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness" for Missions
Thank you for your interest in helping to provide free or at-cost copies of my book, "A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness: Reflections of a Siberian Missionary" to those in the missions. The darkness of those living persecuted lives under the Communist Reign speaks to many modern-day persecuted Christians and their own situations. And the HOPE in this book of God's great work and grace in the midst of such suffering can give great HOPE to those suffering similar things in their lives presently. The missionaries who I know working in areas where Christians are persecuted have requested copies of this book -that will be read to large groups and as a guidepost of meditation on retreats -in order to inspire, encourage and strengthen those suffering around them.
Here is a letter concerning the Urdu translation of this book in Pakistan and a request for funds to print 1000 copies. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!
"Greetings to you!
As I shared with you, I finished the translation of “A Heart Frozen in Wilderness” and I would love to write my feelings about this.
I would share that after I completed the translation I was full with the presence of the Holy Spirit. I really didn’t know how to say thank you or how to conclude this experience. I said many prayers of gratitude. But still I felt something was missing. Then I said so many rosaries, but again I felt something was lacking. Indeed this book gave me so much and I wanted to share it with others but didn’t know how to do that.
Then while I was saying the rosary, our lady said that I need to go through this book again. So after going through this book again and again, the Holy Spirit led me to conduct a retreat of about 16 people and share this experience with them. I had conducted retreats many times but this time Mother Mary said to have children in your retreat group. I am humbly acknowledging here that I got inspiration to do a retreat with children from your book “A Heart Frozen in Wilderness”.
So I contacted a group (this group already mentioned their desire to have a retreat) and I took them to the mountain side (this place is about six hours from my place).
This one week retreat was the result of this translation.
I took these kids (along with their parents and teachers) and had a wonderful experience with them. Now this group will be working as a core group with me. The idea to go to the mountain side was to avoid disturbance of city noise and other disturbances.
I used all of your books but mainly “In our Lady’s Shadow” and “A Hear Frozen in wilderness”
I simple shared my experience of translating this book. I told them that while translating I cried and cried to hear about how people are far from God, sometimes I had to stop translation because literally my pages were wet with my tears.
But this was the time when I felt the touch of Hope Spirit in my life.
During the retreat I also felt Our lady’s and Jesus’ presence always around. People kept coming in their breaks to share that mother Mary had talked to them. The result of this retreat was that these small children themselves came to me and said that they have decided that on every Sundays after mass one hour prayer (including meditation and some input) will be dedicated for the conversion of Russian and persecution of Nigeria. These children were so small but I could feel their courage when at night they said rosary in a dark place without telling me. Later they said we wanted to see Our Lady, they added that it is their faith that she would appear here as well as she appeared at Fatima. Children, parents and teachers, all praising God, started singing to Mary and Jesus aloud in this area, I could hear the echo of their worship in the mountains.
They all said that they never had this kind of opportunity. It is there I decided that I would bring a group once a year (it is not easy to bear expenses. But God provided) here or whenever possible.
Thank you very much Mary Kloska. Now a really large number of People (especially women and children) know you here. Many families have been converted by you. Many men have changed their mind after reading your books. Many children have found meaning in church after going through your books. Your books, your voice. Your message is like a prophet in my place. You have brought families close to God.
After writing so much still I feel I could not express the richness and my true feeling that I have gone through after this translation. I never thought that I would conduct a retreat for children along with their parents and teachers. But this book made it possible. Teachers said they would love to read from Mary Kloska’s books in their assembly so all children can listen.
Thank you very much. I am sharing pictures of this retreat with you.
(Translation is complete, I have attached Urdu book and cover page as well. I have tried to convert the book into PDF form but could not do it as there are many pictures in it. And Urdu software is not very good. But I am trying. Now the book is complete. I have visited the printer and we need 1800 Dollars for one thousand copies. And to start we need 900 Dollars. So the total amount for one thousand books is 1800 Dollars. I feel this is Our Lady's wish that this book should be available in my place. Now a large number of people (when I say large I mean it very big number) know Mary Kloska. And now they are eager to know more about your experience. I know it is not easy yet I believe God will provide. I have attached the book and cover book as well.)
Blessings and thanks again!"