A little relief for Edna Mota
Edna Mota is a beautiful, caring, mother of three. She is 66 years ‘young’ and lives in Brazil where I was raised. For over 10 years she has been fighting multiple health problems, yet still remains strong, never letting anyone know the extent of what she is going through. Some of the health problems she is fighting include:
1 - Diabetes
2 - Stroke
3 - High blood pressure.
Ultimately, at the end of last year, she was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer, and is having the surgery in the near future. She has no energy and has almost completely lost her voice due to the cancer. Edna used to be a strong and independent woman, but all of these health issues have forced her to retire and depend on her husband Antonio on a daily basis.
Antonio is an Uber driver, and as you may know, Uber drivers don’t make much money. On top of that, he will have to take multiple days off to make sure Edna will have everything she needs in the first days after her surgery.
Because of all of this, I am asking for your help so I can try to make sure they will be ok for the next 3 months. I don’t want them to have to worry that they won’t be able to pay the bills, buy medicine, and everything else she will need to recover.
Edna’s basic monthly expenses are:
1- Health Insurance: $ 325
2- Medicines: $ 150
3- Rent: $300
4- Car: $ 230
5- Car Insurance: $ 45
Total Month: $1,050
Total 3 Months: $3,150
* She lives in Brazil where the currency Real is R$1 = $0.25.
Any help you can give us is appreciated more than you will ever know!
Thank You!