A New Heart for Pat Backhaus
The Backhaus family is the kind of family that gives … and gives … and gives. They ask for nothing in return; and would never be bold enough to ask for help. But now is the time for us to give back.
Pat Backhaus doesn’t look like a guy that’s been waiting for a new heart. Most people would never know that he had a hole in his heart the size of a silver dollar when he was 13 years old. He’s been battling ever since. He doesn’t know what it feels like to have a normal, functioning heart. He’s filled his life with the things he loves … his family, hunting, horseshoes, and fishing. Lost of fishing! But those that know Pat have seen him slow down over the last few years. He hasn’t been strong enough to do those things he loves, and he’s hasn’t been able to work for over 10 years. Always smiling, always joking. But quietly fighting with a deteriorating heart and all the difficulties that go with it.
A heart transplant … imagine needing a new heart at the age of 52! Pat received this amazing gift of life on Wednesday, October 18. He and his family knew the day would come, but to actually get the call was not something they had truly prepared themselves for. Pat’s new heart is a healthy, strong heart. It’s beating on it’s own with no assistance … something that hasn’t happened for Pat since 1999. But there is a long road to recovery ahead of him. As Pat becomes healthier and stronger, he’ll need help from his family and friends. His wife, Jaime, will be without a paycheck as she cares for him through the recovery process. As you can imagine, it will be a long and expensive journey … a journey that will continue for the rest of their lives as medical bills and expenses continue to pile up. Now is not the time for them to worry about bills. We can help! We should help!
Please give back to this family who has done so much for others. Everyone that knows and loves the Backhaus family … Pat, Jaime, Jordan and Kaija … knows just how deserving they are. With that said, Pat and Jaime would want everyone to remember that there is an angel that donated this gift of life to Pat, and we will be forever grateful to that angel and their family. Pat is recovering at the University of Minnesota as their 899th heart transplant recipient. Keep the angel and the Backhaus family in your prayers. #donatelife