A New Start for Nova and Her Family
Please help give this mother and her daughters a new start. I am an eternal optimist and have been thinking that God can’t want 2020 to be all bad. So today when a car wreck brought a traffic light down on my car and I saw this terrified mother who had swerved to miss hitting me but slammed into the pole instead, was jumping into her back seat as fast as she could to hug her 6 yr old and 3 week old baby, I realized she was having a much worse 2020 than me.
When I got to speak to Kari, I found out they had lost their apartment in the back to back Hurricanes, were homeless with everything they owned in the car, and had actually just rented the car (now totaled) to drive to Florida to make a fresh start. We all cried as she let me hold baby Nova and her proud big sister Lizzie let me know she was “6 and a half years old” as the police helped Kari get all of her belongings from the car.