A pain free walk for Eric Schrock
For those of you who know Eric Schrock, you're aware of his godliness & humbled nature towards everyone. He is kind and generous with nothing but love to share towards everyone he meets including strangers.
If you were unaware, Eric has had a prosthetic on his left leg from his knee down. The one he currently has is very old and has finally broken beyond repair. Though it causes him a great deal of pain and he is developing sores where it attaches, he has been trying to make it work due to the extreme financial costs of a replacement.
Unfortunately, the situation has become critical & he has found out the current prosthetic has multiple fractures. A new one usually costs about $17,000. He was able to negotiate with the doctor a $5,000 discount, but still needs help getting $12,000 for his new prosthetic. This new and fully functional leg will allow him to walk again without the negative issues he is currently experiencing. Please help us support our wonderful friend Eric as he would want to help us in return. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.