Main fundraiser photo

A personal moonshot for my 50th!

Tax deductible
If you are donating in US dollars, please use this GoFundMe campaign. This gets you a US-based tax receipt and allows Give A Mile to fund US-based flights!

Otherwise, to donate in Canadian dollars, use the main form at

In celebration of having made 50 trips around the sun this summer, I’m running a 50 km trail in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and working with Give A Mile to raise $50,000 for those in desperate need of a flight of compassion.

You can make a difference by donating today to Give A Mile.

Give A Mile is a registered charity that provides flights for people at the end of their lives, enabling them to connect with their loved ones for a final goodbye.

They work tirelessly to ensure that the cost of a plane ticket doesn’t prevent someone from being with their family and friends during such critical moments.

They facilitate donations of flight miles and funds to support these journeys, allowing people to share a last hug, smile, and farewell with their loved ones.

Donations (2)

  • Beth Dupree
    • $100
    • 24 d
  • Anonymous
    • $750
    • 2 mos
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